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    meh, nothing special. i did have fun with my bros, but it was a total sausage fest.

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    This is a great place to go and shoot pool,watch the games, eat great food and have a really fun time with your friends.  Love the staff they are friendly and give great service.

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    horrible smoked out, old, dirty bar.... owner brian is always drunk and being cursed at or arguing with customers, very unprofessional.  he gets drunk and starts thinking he can talk to his staff and customers anyway he wants because it's his bar.... he has never talked to me or any of my company that way but we all have seen him do this on a regular base.  food is displayed ugly and cheap... you can only imagine how the kitchen looks.... outside something is always going on, a fight, an arguement, shootings and people doing drugs... cops are always waiting around for people to pull out to knock you for having a drink.  the spot now has alot of the crackhead/alcoholic types hanging in there.  it use to be hip n young before the black family took over.  there are regular customers who i guess are always there that walk a round sexually harassing every female that comes there.  there is this one light skinned dude that's from chicago that will beg you to buy his weed (because he has the best in town) really??? it's annoying and rude for someone to think just because you're of african american decent that you do drugs..... god forbid you are not interested!!!!!! basically don't waist your time unless you need drugs or like smelling like cigarettes.  i have only been there a few times to meet some friends while i was in the northside, but after just sitting back and watching, this is one of those places that need closing before someone gets killed in there by a stray over the owner being a dick to the wrong person.  too ratchet for comfort!!!!!!!

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