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    Terrible experience. I literally was there 10 minutes ago. I sat down and was greeted by a friendly waitress. She got me ice tea and I gave her my order of pasta with oil and a chicken breast. The place wasn't busy, maybe 4 tables of a combined 8 or 9 people. I'm sitting and waiting for some bread, parmesan and olive oil. My waitress is taking care of the other tables and getting their payment. She also was giving her life story to the tables. I am still waiting for my bread, parmesan and olive oil. I finally get her attention and ask for some bread. She looks at me like I"m talking a foreign language. She said that they don't do that, "they have a different format". She explained that you get bread with the meal. Just as she is telling me this, my meal comes, with a large piece of bread on the plate. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? This place is a SICILIAN CUCINA!!! You can't have bread and olive oil and parmesan before your meal??? I have never heard of that 'format" in my life. My pasta and chicken breast comes and I notice that if you put the slices of chicken together, it was maybe 1/4 of a chicken breast, FOR $4.00 extra!!! The pasta actually was good but the aglio olio was almost non existent on the pasta. I couldn't get out of there fast enough to do a review. I assume that the owner was in the first booth on a laptop, oblivious to his surroundings. I am kicking myself for not going to Red Lobster, right next door. Oh well, at least I can let others know.

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    I thought they did a nice job presenting the food.  The price was very reasonable and a great value for the money.  Very kid friendly and provided food that they could enjoy.  I would recommend this restaurant to anyone visiting Springfield.

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