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    Seriously? Nothing Irish here, except your dated interior. Do you want to run a restaurant? Your never open or busy? No true Irish dishes, it's a blast from the past, back to the future like...80's bad taste...

    Food can be good, but all American

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    Love this place, great food and service.

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    I've only visited this place once and ordered the chicken wings. The wings were fried, sauced (barely), and then thrown on the grill to give them an extra finish. I think the grilling is an extra service one has to request as I did for the wings (so did my buddies who were regulars). The texture of the wing was crunchy, then juicy and the flavor of the grill/charcoal sort of taste was great. However, the wings hardly had any sauce on them. They seemed pretty boring from a wing sauce standpoint. Upon asking for some extra hot sauce, I was brought out a bottle of Louisiana Hot Sauce and told that was all they use for their wings. Being a wing enthusiast, I was disappointed. The wings had a ton of potential, but not having a homeade/house wing sauce or any other varieties to choose from I was saddened. This made me question the rest of their menu and what goes into their recipes. I know I can't judge a place by ordering just chicken wings, but if the effort for the other menu items is similar to the effort in the wing sauce then there's not much effort in trying to get a good flavor profile in one's food. Having a solid order of chicken wings on a menu is pretty damn standard for a bar/pub if you ask me and they sort of half-assed by not finishing the product with a quality sauce. Some might like the bland flavor though, but not me.

    My buddy ordered the Chicken Velvet Soup which he ranted an raved about. I didn't feel like soup, but it looked pretty good.

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