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    This bar is only steps from my house. It is not usually crowded, there are pool tables, the beer is cold, the service is hit or miss. It is a typical small town bar.

    Surprisingly I always seem to get cat called by the daytime regulars who are smoking outside while I walk past it to run errands on foot. Not the bars fault, but it speaks to the type of clientele they have :)

    It's not worth a special trip, but if you are in the area it is a good little place to grab a drink.

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    I first went here on a Wednesday with some friends that live in Newberg because after 6 there is free pool! I'm not the best, but this offers me a good opportunity to practice without having to pay for game after game. There are a decent amount of pool tables as well as video poker machines in the back. The bathrooms are clean and the staff is great. I've gotten to personally know a lot of them due to going back again and again. Drinks are affordable and food is offered!

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    Drinks were cheap, appetizers weren't bad, service (one gal working) was initally cool then very pleasant (I guess she needed to get to know us), and for a Saturday afternoon, with the Final Four games on of March Madness there were 4 or 5 people in the place, none except us watching the hoops.

    The casual seating furniture did have a musty smell that shoud be addressed, but otherwise it was fine as dive bars go......

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    Stopped in here pre Super Bowl. Where the only ones in the bar with two other people having bloody Mary's. Just had drinks . The bartender was pretty nice. It's good I can still get carded in late 30's .  That's ok! I loved this litle place and stumbling on it was the best experience. The bartender was definitely something else. I'm sure this is quite the spot on weekend nights!

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    After a night of hobnobbing at Departure, a fancy-schmancy afternoon of wine tasting at Rex Hill Winery and a special event at Adelsheim Winery that was supposed to involve hors d'Å“uvre, we were starving and yes, hungover.

    We stopped at the first place that looked open and that happened to be the First Street Pub.  Even though smoking has not been allowed in bars for some time now, I could smell the ghost of cigarette past.  I also had a weird flash-back.  Turns out I was at this pub two Halloween's ago with a date.  We had drunkenly stumbled in and ended up in a costume contest.  We won beer.

    As my friend and I cozied up to the bar we were looked up and down by the scruffily dressed regulars.  Yeah, we looked out of place but what the hell, we were really in the mood for some honky-tonk grub and this place did not disappoint.  The gal behind the bar was super friendly, offered to toast my turkey sandwich, and delivered some really tasty tots that were really hot and crispy.  I so love tots.  This grub really hit the hangover-be gone button.

    The banter between the server and the regulars was pretty entertaining and we could tell that this pub was definitely their regular hangout.  My friend and I were having a pretty good time and conversation until they asked for the music to be turned up.  And oh hell, did it have to be Metallica?   (I hate that kind of music) And did it have to be so damn loud that my hungover head was rattling?  Thank God we were almost done eating...

    The sandwich was pretty good sized and I took half of it with me.  We couldn't get out of there fast enough after the music was turned up.

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    Pool hall with 6 tables.  Me and the BF went there on a free night to have a few drinks and shoot pool.  Walked in and a guy at the bar goes- hey you wanna get Drunk?  Let me buy you a shot!  You like tequila?

    Um, yeah!  I like tequila!  
    We had a really fun night and it was CHEAP AS HELL.  What a great local dive bar.  And their jukebox actually had a pretty good selection as well.  This is my kind of place.

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