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    Despite a name that conjures mental images of tumors and disease, this is not a bad place to spend an evening bathing in local culture and down-on-your-luck charm. An oft tweeky/drunky patronage presents a full palate of local colour with which to paint your Jackson Pollock masterpiece of Dundee experience. Whether you seek an update on the latest trifflin' trailer park drama, paranoid anti-socialist conspiracy theories, melt-your-face-off guitar solos on the jukebox, the hottest in quippy bumper sticker intolerance, or to kick off the liveliest of nature vs. nurture debates; Lumpy's is the perfect garnish to your Oregon wine country experience. Tweek forward, aged in a blend of vomit and stale beer, the finish is notable hints of mania, inhibitionless karaoke, cigarette smoke, plight of man, and Oregon Lotto spice. Lumpy's is a memorable vintage.

    After a long day imbibing the high-falutin', pretentious hobby fruit of the one percent, don't miss the chance to wash away the taste of loud, cackling bleach blonde new money in embroidered jean bedazzlement with a refreshing swig of what makes Oregon the state we can afford to love.

    Finally, when your breath is too high-proof to deliver your party safely home and you've found yourself sleeping in the parking lot, wipe the moisture from the inside of your car windows to find: Lumpy's serves breakfast!

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    Lumpy is just a few minutes from my house and I have dropped in a couple times. The staff is super friendly, the drinks & food are priced well and it is clean and cozy.

    I did notice there are only a couple small TV's so it would not be my pick for Football season.

    My husband & I dropped in for breakfast over the weekend. I had a half order of biscuits and gravy with a fried egg with a Salty Dog, he had a loaded omelet and a coffee, the damage was less than $20. The food is good, and there are not many breakfast options in my area.

    The advertise happy hour specials and karaoke, I'll be back for both.

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    Great bacon cheeseburger and very friendly regulars who will entertain you.

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