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    Despite a name that conjures mental images of tumors and disease, this is not a bad place to spend an evening bathing in local culture and down-on-your-luck charm. An oft tweeky/drunky patronage presents a full palate of local colour with which to paint your Jackson Pollock masterpiece of Dundee experience. Whether you seek an update on the latest trifflin' trailer park drama, paranoid anti-socialist conspiracy theories, melt-your-face-off guitar solos on the jukebox, the hottest in quippy bumper sticker intolerance, or to kick off the liveliest of nature vs. nurture debates; Lumpy's is the perfect garnish to your Oregon wine country experience. Tweek forward, aged in a blend of vomit and stale beer, the finish is notable hints of mania, inhibitionless karaoke, cigarette smoke, plight of man, and Oregon Lotto spice. Lumpy's is a memorable vintage.

    After a long day imbibing the high-falutin', pretentious hobby fruit of the one percent, don't miss the chance to wash away the taste of loud, cackling bleach blonde new money in embroidered jean bedazzlement with a refreshing swig of what makes Oregon the state we can afford to love.

    Finally, when your breath is too high-proof to deliver your party safely home and you've found yourself sleeping in the parking lot, wipe the moisture from the inside of your car windows to find: Lumpy's serves breakfast!

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    Lumpy is just a few minutes from my house and I have dropped in a couple times. The staff is super friendly, the drinks & food are priced well and it is clean and cozy.

    I did notice there are only a couple small TV's so it would not be my pick for Football season.

    My husband & I dropped in for breakfast over the weekend. I had a half order of biscuits and gravy with a fried egg with a Salty Dog, he had a loaded omelet and a coffee, the damage was less than $20. The food is good, and there are not many breakfast options in my area.

    The advertise happy hour specials and karaoke, I'll be back for both.

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    Great bacon cheeseburger and very friendly regulars who will entertain you.

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    Lumpy's Tavern rocks!!  We went to this bar both nights we were in Dundee and really loved it.  We love checking out dive bars when we are on vacation and Lumpy's was definitely a great find.  The people were very friendly and the drink were reasonably priced.  We were there early both days before dinner, so I cna't really say how it is later at night.  If you are a fan of  comfortable and fun dive bars this is a great place to check out.  Hopefully you will have the same experience we had.

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    Lumpy's is one hell of a local dive bar.  Great place for a beer, burger and tots!

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    This place is an amazing dive bar! Perfect place to hit up after all the classiness that the wineries and great restaurants have to offer. Salty crews frequent this joint, and I love hanging with my salty crews. The place has a couple pool tables, the ever present jukebox, and strong drinks. Plus $1 jello shots! And on Thursday nights they have karaoke! What else do you need? Fights between drunken best friends? They have that too! Check this place out for some good old fashioned fun!

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    Lumpy's is a pretty cool little bar, they do karaoke a few nights a week, have a few pool tables, and have live music.  The regulars are friendly and played pool with one guy who schooled me a bunch of times.  The owner and another of the regulars started a game of cribbage, that I thought was pretty cool.

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