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    Ended up here after my wife initially thought it was a Fish & Chips joint for some reason.  Nevertheless, we stayed and checked it out.  (The previous business in this location, ZuRoma, went out of business about a year ago - unsurprising since the manager had informed us that the owners had another store they were putting all their money into, letting this one slowly die - but I digress....).

    To start with, except for the actual bar area, the rest of the place was definitely built on the cheap.  The tables are lacquered plywood bolted to iron pipes.

    We ended up sitting at a booth and because the table was bolted to the floor, had to push the seat back in order to get in.

    There was a happy hour special that ended at seven that we just missed.  Not sure I really *missed* it, though, as it was Jagermeister for $4.  There's not a college around here, so I'm confused as to who's supposed to be ordering this.

    Also, for a sports bar, hearing music that's more appropriate for VH1, MTV's Total Request Live, or a 14-year-old's birthday party (think Katy Perry and anyone else that might have been Disney-born-and-bred and you won't be far off) tells me that the girls were in charge of the radio.  Plus, it was a syndicated show from California. Ugh.  No wonder the music sucked.  (Side note: LMFAO twice in an hour?  Really?)

    The menu was pretty standard for a sports bar, with a few exceptions.

    My wife got a barbecue burger, which came with the barbecue sauce on the side.  She said it was good enough, but I didn't bother to try a bite.

    I decided that I would try the Farrell Burger, which is pulled pork topped with feta cheese and onions on ciabatta.  It looked good, but it was dry, dry, dry.  I blame the feta, as the saltiness seemed to suck up any moisture or flavor that the pulled pork originally had.  I ended up putting my wife's unused pickles on it as well as some barbecue sauce to help rehydrate the sandwich to an edible state.  If you order the Farrell Burger, either put barbecue sauce or, to my tasty surprise, mustard on it.  It definitely is not edible as it currently comes prepared.

    Something else I must mention is the french fries.  They were basically crunchy sticks.  I don't know if they were overcooked on purpose, but I would not hesitate to send them back unless that's the way you like them.  I ate a few, but basically left them alone.

    Wait staff was friendly enough during the meal, but it appeared there were only three people on duty - the waitress, the bartender, and the cook who I saw hanging out at the entrance to the kitchen.  I ended up taking my check up to the bar when I thought I wasn't going to see the waitress for another 5 minutes, only to find her there and have her tell me "I was coming back."

    All in all, give this place a pass.  There are better places to hang out.

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