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    Oh Southlake, how do you always find a way to make good things suck? I am a big fan of Ginger Man, specifically the locations in Uptown and Fort Worth. I figured Southlake Town Square couldn't possibly ruin the Ginger Man. I was wrong. The bar itself is fine: lots of great beers, a few snacks to choose from, decent staff, and reasonable prices. What I DIDN'T like was the Southlake douchebaggery going on around me. You know, older dudes wearing flower button down shirts with skulls in the back and jeans with more design stitching than my kid sister's old Halloween costumes. Add the dumb moms that bring their KIDS INTO A BAR and expect more food items to choose from. Yeah, Brio is across the street. Sorry Ginger Man, nothing against you, but this location sucks. While I normally try not to let the crowd around me taint my experiences at bars, these people were obnoxious and practically took over the place after HH.

    If my office wasn't nearby, I would pass on coming here again.

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    My wife and were planning to meet nearby for dinner. Since I was early I could think of no better place to wait than at The Ginger Man.

    As I sat, looking over the pulls, the Four Corners Local Buzz (Honey Rye Golden Ale) caught my eye. I order this, and the glass fills about halfway and the tap sputters dry. This is the last of the Local Buzz, but at least I'm able to sample it since I'm given the half glass gratis. I like it. It's only very slightly sweet and is very smooth.

    For my first full beer I try to compliment the Local Buzz and go with the Franconia Brewing Company's Franconia Koelsch, which I was told was light with some citrus in the beginning and a dry hoppy finish with a little sweetness. It was tasty and perfect and reasonably priced at $4. One of these days I really need to make it to the Franconia brewery.

    My last beer was a Maredsous Brune (spelled "Bruin" on my receipt). It's a Belgian beer brewed at a Benedictine monastery. Whenever I see beer poured into a glass not shaped like your typical pint glass, I know it means I'm going to be spending a bit more. At $9 it was a rather pricey beer, but it was good. Rich, complex, and spicy with a warm finish.

    All in all another good visit and do like the variety of beers on tap here (and there are bottle options too). Next time I just need to remember to bring my darts.

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    I'm a big fan of The Ginger Man! It's not an unusual pub but it's the kind of place you never tire of. There are dozens and dozens of super fine beers and ciders to look at, muse over, and drink, so you won't get bored and your palate can continually look forward to something new. Or, stick with your same ol' favorites; they'll always have em'!

    My favorite part about The Ginger Man is ordering a side of potato chips for a little over a dollar. It's the simple things in life... I've had them brought to me in a bowl and a bag, but either way is fine by me. Try the spicy jalapeno or habanero... both times my ears were burning after eating them. They're so delicious and addicting though, it's worth it! The heat pairs perfectly with a tart cider, and one time the bartender brought me a single slice of Gouda to cool down my tongue. So thoughtful.

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