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    Lately, I've been finding myself at this bar. It's only 2 blocks away from home and is an easy drunk walk home.

    I was in just a few days ago and overheard them planning a customer appreciation party for May 4th, I may hit that up.

    Anyway, back to my review, one of the last times I was in, the Blackhawks were playing and it was fun to see how everyone was getting into the game. I am not a hockey fan but was just as excited as the rest of the patrons because, c'mon, how could  anyone just sit there while the whole bar is cheering on a Chicago sports team? I'm actually thinking about watching the Bulls vs Brooklyn game here on Monday. (Stalkers, keep away.)

    So this last time I was in, the music was really good. A few of my favorite songs were on and of course, good music makes me want to drink so I hung out a little longer than I had planned but "is okay".

    There's a whole other room that I have yet to explore and I haven't been in for any of their live bands so I'm not ready to commit to 5 stars yet.

    The clientele is also a little older than I am. It would be nice to see more people my age here.

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    Extremely nice place, owner is trying to send this establishment in the correct direction plus he is a nice guy. Hard to rate places like these as I grew up were dive bars.

    Yuppies or what ever there called  say there dive barsm I would call them Neighborhood Taps.

    Suggestions, few more beers on tap. German or Czek, Craft beers I do not consider anything but a passing fad. The other, not new bar stools but how about some duct tape!

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    Ahhh, now this is my kind of place!  This is the kind of tavern that you found all over Chicago in the 70's and 80's until Mayor Ritchie started his onslaught on the neighborhood corner tavern.  Yes, there still are taverns like this around and they are  as comfortable as a pair of old shoes.  There's no food here other than snacks but you can order pizza or Mexican chow from down the street and they will deliver.  Just a handful of beers on tap but they DO have Guinness, Smithwick's and Blue Moon on tap and the prices are very reasonable.

    Their motto is "You are a stranger here but once" and they really do mean it.  When I was walking to the door, there was a gent outside having a smoke.  After a few minutes he came inside and went behind the bar and I realized he was one of the bartenders.  After I had rapidly wet my whistle with my favorite Irish "mother's milk", he came over and poured me another.  As he set it down, he asked my name and chuckled that he could see that I was giving him the once over as I entered the bar.  He said his name was Red and we had a nice chat.

    Nothing fancy here - just good booze and fine company.  My kind of place...

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