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    good music, great sound. that's where the good stops. went to see a friend perform tonight. paid $45 for "VIP seats". we showed up, the checked us in, the guy seating us mumbled something about a birthday party and shoehorned us into a table. one of us had to sit with our back to the stage and we were jammed in like sardines. not a seat or table open, due to the talent not the venue....ordered a couple of Bulliet and gingers. they arrived, some terrible mixture of....I don't know what and bourbon. $18. then, some guy comes to our table and says to me "you can't be here, this is not your table, you have to leave" - WTF? I was pissed, and told him to get the guy that sat us there. he replied "I'm in charge and you have to leave" - we exchanged words. I collected my money back and my wife and I are now "banned for life". well played you morons. I can't believe the manager dude with the accent (you know who you are) would treat my wife and I like we were two hobos that snuck in and stole the shittiest table in the place and not even ask how we got there. Life is tough, my friend, it's even more tuff when you're stupid.

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    This place is great! Modern and updated. Saw Scott Capurro (sp) stand up comedian. Seated us right up front. The food is great. I would go here again just for the food. I'll be back for sure.

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    Huge miss!  They spent tons of money and the place is a bomb.  Horrible booking, always cost at least $10 and has lame poshy atmosphere.  Don't where a hat or they might not let you inside.  Two thumbs down

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    This is place is tha bomb diddly.  Straight up fresh beats, screamin metal nights, smooth jazz, vibin reggae and the gamut of  the creme de la creme of bay area cover bands.  From the door dude (thank gawd they got rid of the last lacky) to some sweetheart waitresses who handle a full house with relative ease I was totally at home and was treated like I was a regular.  By nights end the bartenders were addressing me by my first name which is rare these days in a high volume place which Georges has been when I have attended.  The drinks they made were pretty good (i.e. strong! Yet not over the top;  i appreciate a well crafted cocktail where the alcohol isn' t masked by a bunch of mixers).  My girlfried tried the George Lopez (margarita) and it was one of the best I have had this side of the border.  I actually don't think I have ever had one in Mexico but you get my drift.  The two bartenders at the front had dynamite personalities and thoroughly complimented each other.  The younger guy seemed to know the whole damn town and  his magnetic personality lit up the dimly lit room.  BTW the low lighting created a mood which is sorely lacking in Marin and more people need to experience, very cool and classy without pretense.  Back to the bar.  The other front end bartender was a craftsman who seemed to know his sh..  And to top it off he was as fast as they come.  We talked sports for a bit and  both tenders had encyclopedic knowledge of nearly everything sport.  Also he was a little older so they appealed to a wide range of customers.  Most places either have younger or older staff so it was nice to see that management kept a semblance of balance.  I checked out the back bar a few times and the bartender there, I think his name was Oscar, was also very professional  and held his own during the rushes yet always seemed to be able to hold a conversation with a few parties at once.  In fact all three of them were incredibly engaging which will definitely bring me back.  The host/ owner was glad handing everyone doing his best to make people feel comfortable while meandering to the dance floor now and again to do his best Fred Astaire imitation.  A pretty good dancer for an old guy ;-)  The food was good except the Satay I had on one ocasion was a bit dry.  The portions were massive and well worth the price so you may want to split a food order or you might be too full to dance.  Props to the owner for working with a difficult space.  Now and again on busy nights there is a bottleneck between the dining room and the bar which is a bit difficult but that is a minor flaw.  Otherwise this is a place to support in San Rafael.  I won't say itis perfect but if you go there in the right frame of mind you can't help but have a good time.  See ya there.

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    nice try, but the customer service part of your business sucks.

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    My second time to this venue. The first was a fantastic experience, great band and excellent drinks. The most recent was last Saturday for my birthday.  I wanted something local so my group could either taxi home or carpool with a DD.

    When we arrived I asked the door guy if they'd be willing to do a group discount as we had 15 in our group. They agreed and knocked 5 bucks off each ticket so instead of $15.00 each we paid $150.00 for the group. (Woohoo! A savings is a savings and I know that extra $75.00 went straight to the bar.   Speaking of the bar...AWFUL, bad service, wrong drinks kind of bartending going on.  Every one of my drinks was wrong and it wasn't something that you'd be drinking on a tropical island.  Kettle, soda and two limes.  Pretty basic, no?  I got Gin, tonic and lemon...but not all at once those three ingredients where slipped in on each round I ordered. I started to think someone was playing a joke on me.

    The bands were....so-so. I looked the headliner up on YouTube, they looked pretty fun so we gave it a go.  I was unimpressed with the song choices as I felt like I was at my 11 year old daughters slumber party singing along with her  "Kids Bop" CD.

    Over all I think everyone had fun.  Definitely not a younger crowd, I would say 40's and up so to all those young men out there... if  older inebriated women are your thing...get on it ;)

    I probably will not go back unless I know the band is a strong headliner and I slip a flask into my  pocket for good measure.

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    I went down to see Abba band play at Georges on Thurs eve. They had increased the cover charge to $ 55.00 cash and the admittance gut tried to rip me off my not providing proper change. I tried to get the bartenders attention to place a food order and it took him 10-15 minutes to even recognise I was even there waiting. When He finally took my order I waited about 30 minutes for food. When I received the food my space was invaded 2  overbearring men whom were strangers and wanted to strike up a conversation with me and one lo rent individual whom had the gaul to ask me if he could have one of my french fries. The band started playing so I didn't have time to finish my meal so so loose this stranger whom was dumping all his relationship problems on me I asked him if he wanted to finish my food and he boldly said YES So I split. Folks- I was out having a good time in the back of the dance floor clapping to the song and was asked by a jerk if I would stop clapping because he had sensitive hearing-my response was "your in the wrong place pal".The New Georges Nightclub on Fourth Street has indeed gone down in the kind of clientelle it caters to, it's service and it's all about $ of which my modest meal was $ 30.00 for a hamburger fries N Cesar salad. The Lighting is Lo and dimly lit as if to hide appearance of their older clientele. Georges is not what it used to be when Don owned it. The dark energy there is permeated by some angry unfriendly patrons too! My Advice find a happier place to hang out and be with friends!

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    Best place ever to get a drink especially when schaefer is working.  Georges has always been one of my favorite places in marin.  Ask for tim if you're eating!  Great customer service!

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    Wow!! My husband was the event chair for his work party and chose George's and we are so impressed!! From the detailed organization. Of the pre-planning to the band, food and customer service it is clear George's places a high value on excellence. As a spouse this is the best 'hubby's work party' I have ever been to. The wait staff is fun and friendly. The food was soooooo good - every single bite - the drinks were fantastic and the band they recommended (Cheeseballs) was incredible!! I'm so impressed and will be back for one of their upcoming public events. Thanks for giving us a great night!

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    Last night I treated my Mom to a comedy show at George's. I purchased VIP tickets via their website, and had I known they would be assigning seats, I would have asked for a specific table due to my Mom's mobility issues.  When I asked if we could move two tables over which was in the VIP section only two tables down and on a corner, I was told the manager said "no" therefore, I went to talk to him myself.  He was shaking his head no the entire time.  It was frustrating to explain, but then he agreed, and as we were getting comfortable our waitress came and asked us to sit elsewhere and put us at the opposite end of the VIP booth area. It worked out fine, however, I now know to CALL them after I make a purchase on their website and ask for the table right in front of the DJ booth, or the end table near the back bar that is never used.

    The service was very slow, we ordered drinks, then about forty minutes later I flagged down the waitress to order food, which arrived about room temp, and our waitress never came back to check on us.  About mid way through the show I got her attention and ordered two sodas and asked for refills on water. An forty minutes before the show was over, I went to the bar and purchased the sodas myself, and fifteen minutes later she brought us watered down sodas which were sitting at the cocktail waitress station when I went to the bar, and no water.  It shocked me that she brought them, and a bill.  

    I tipped well on the beers, and  the food, as well as tipped the bartender when I bought sodas at the bar, but found it rude that she charged us for watered down sodas (ice melted).  Also, something that happened to me both times she brought our bill (they no longer run tabs) I had $7.30 or $7.60 in change coming, but was only given an even $7.00 - I'm not sure why, but I find it rude and presumptuous of their staff to keep the "coin" change.  

    We're going back for two other events this month, but I won't be paying extra for VIP seating.

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    cover price too high, bands stop playing before midnight

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    great place to see live music and have fun. i just wish they did more for the young people

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    Wow I am so excited to find a great live music venue in the North Bay, I was starting to get worried!  This place is classy and so the entry fee is a little pricier than I would hope ($20-25 seems to be the average, though of course it depends on the music), but I'm excited to keep my eye on George's for any good events coming up.

    I went to a benefit concert here this weekend, and just loved the venue.  There are tables for anyone who wants to sit, a dance floor for anyone that wants to get up close, and there are 2 bars so you don't have to wait for too long.  

    Also there is an appetizer menu for anyone sitting at a table in the back room.  This would have been great, but we apparently got there after the kitchen had closed down.  At first, a server kept coming over saying our server would be over shortly, but then when our server came over a few minutes later, he said the kitchen was closed.  Kinda an odd situation, but we didn't mind.

    One thing, the bar atmosphere is really nice on its own, I wish there was a way to pay a smaller cover to just go sit at the bar without going to the back room for the live music.  

    George's, you rock!

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    I miss George's Nightclub. I need to cross that San Rafael bridge to get over to George's Nightclub - the best in live entertainment. I will come by to see Todd and the crew of superb staffers. Can't wait to get some great food, wonderful atmosphere and the very best in entertainment! See you guys soon!


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    George's is just a fabulous place to catch a show or dance. Since the remodel in 2010 I have been a bunch of times because it is a small venue that really plays well.

    For live shows they book some great artists for Jazz and other styles. Plus they usually do a Salsa night once per month with an hour lesson before the show. So far the Salsa has been great as a few of the bands for concerts.

    The thing I like about George's is just a certain level of class they try and maintain.  Service is good, the food and drinks have been great, and the atmosphere is set for having a fun night. A note on food; they have burgers and a few other bar staples but not a huge menu. Still if you are there for awhile it is nice to have something to nosh on.

    I can't wait for the next Salsa Thursday at the end of the month!

    It is an older crowd and there do seem to be a few more men than women, but since I bring a date it hasn't been a problem for me!

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    I bought tickets for Pete Escovedo - a true legend.  Pete and his band sounded amazing.  This place is not too big and not too crowded.  The drinks are strong and the foods were tasty.  Lots of friendly people and great staff.  I had to change my tickets several times, as I couldn't decide on a Friday or Saturday night.  They were on top of sending revised copies and guaranteeing an awesome time.  The live entertainment was incredible, and I danced the night away to awesome beats!

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    I went to George's with a group of friends to see the Christmas Jug Band. We were able to buy tickets in advance and reserve a table! The service was great, the appetizers were delicious, and the layout is new and well designed. No complaints and I'm looking forward to returning soon!

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    I hadn't been to New Georges in a while. After a really good Italian dinner across the street, we strolled in to catch some music. Thevibe was friendly and rockin, without being too loud. The prices were surprising: a good glass of wine (Sonoma Cutrer) across the street at the Italian restaurant was $12, we got it a Georges for $6. Nice!

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    This is a really great place, I only wish they were open as a bar until 2 AM on the nights they didn't have shows.

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    I am giving it three stars, awesome sound, but what a terrible layout.  They made it nearly impossible to navigate through their maze of tables towards the back bar.  And those crazy blue neon signs, wow.  It's super expensive for drinks too, just not sure about all of that, but it is great to have a new music venue.  I will probably go back someday, but not if I see that Guido wannabe hanging around that used to manage my old apartment building, so don't even go there with me, you f'ing freak.

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    We've been to the newly remodeled George's night club several times this summer.  All I can say is "Wow!" - We had a fabulous time! The music performers were definitely high quality bands & top of line shows and performances. The acoustics are perfect, the crowd was friendly and ready to party! Every time we go, we reserve a table (with a lovely bottle of wine waiting at our table) and have dinner prior to the show which is very convenient. The food was plentiful, tastes great and very reasonable prices. I've been to several NYC night clubs and George's - right in our downtown San Rafael - is as good as any NYC club I've been to! The interior design is very tasteful - cool, art deco - causal and very classy. The owner gives everyone a personal hello - one on one attention. They are a bit new - sometimes they might be a somewhat understaffed causing a short wait for dinner - but in time I'm sure that will improve. We've always gone there in a relaxed, ready to party mood - so if we had a wait a bit - that's OK we had the bottle of wine, great drinks from the bar and a nice dinner. All I can say is, if you want some local, high class ambiance & tons of dancing fun to be had by all - checkout George's! It's definitely a way to spend a fun night-out locally and at a very reasonable price!

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    The local comedians were disgusting! Rape is not funny.
    We are willing to pay for a class act. We'll only go back when there is better talent.

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    This is a review of the salsa night once a month.   The pluses: GREAT band playing live music, good dancers, young-ish crowd (I know, shocking for Marin).  The minuses: the band took an HOUR-LONG break at 10:00 - ruining the majority of the time that those of us who work for a living can enjoy dancing, they neglected to play DJ music during half of that break, there was a very odd "show" by a local dance studio which just made for a weird vibe from those of us who were just there to dance with each other.  Above all else, the service was weird.  There was only one bartender, who became easily overwhelmed and slow, and at least 5, if not more, seemingly under-age cocktail waittresses and waiters, hovering around but capable of only remembering one drink at a time.  They need to learn that most people will just walk up to the bar themselves and staff appropriately.  Also, all the youngsters working there just made me feel really old.  Would like to see some experience both behind the bar and on the floor.

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    Great show!  Very nice venue.  This is the first time we have been there.  Will probably go back.

    The big problem we had was a huge surprise with the bottle service that we were required to use to get a reserved table.  We had a table of 6 and we ordered a bottle of gin.  Our eyes popped out when the bill arrived $325.00 for a bottle of gin!!!!  Next time we will get the cheapest bottle of wine and leave it at that.

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    George's is definately a great place to see
    alot of great bands, and makes your
    Whole time there great. The food is good
    and the waiters are great and very personable
    not to mention good looking.
     The whole inside of George's is great.
    Nothing even close to the old George's
    that was horrible  all around.
    Everytime I've been there with my
    Friends we have all had a awesome time!!
    Great job to Todd the owner who is usually
    around and nice to meet and a pleasure to
    talk too!

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    Went for a GREAT show and we'd purchased tix in advance by calling the restaurant/bar. When we get to the door a young man sarcastically told us that no, we didn't purchase tix but reserved a table. My friend assured the young man that the tix were purchased as she talked with the owner (who she called by name). We had him check the names of all people in our party to see if ANY of us were on the ticket list. The young man again sarcastically told my friend that she was misinformed. By then we asked for the owner who remembered the convo and he admitted the error of not purchasing the tix. He then charged us the door price (more expensive) for our tix. FAIL.

    To his avail, after our inquiry he realized the error of his ways and returned the difference and PROMISED the "house special" to be sent to our table. I'm still waiting on that special. FAIL.

    Show was AWESOME. Customer service - FAIL.

    Update: Checked the credit card receipt and YES, we DID purchase tix in advance.  Again - FAIL.  The owner nicely refunded my friend the ticket price immediately.  Thanks!

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    I haven't been here since they remodeled and renamed the place.  WOW!  What a difference a couple of decades makes.  Very fine set up wit two bars.

    My friends band was playing, Wallstreet.  Awesome music. Funky, funky, like a monkey. We danced and danced.

    I emailed Teo prior to the show and asked for a bottle of red wine and he saved a table right in front.

    Really fun venue.

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    Came in for dinner at 6.

    Beautifully renovated. Somewhat important.


    Our server, Ziggy, was phenomenally attentive and made my visit spectacular. Can't wait to make my way through the menu (and come in before the cover starts).

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    This place rocks. Check it out!

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    Not a fun experience at all. We HAD to be seated for a show but prior to being seated we were asked "What are you drinking?" They sat us according to how expensive of a drink we had in our hands! Huh!! We had beer in bottles so we got the crummy seats in the back. Women were not asked what they were drinking and had preferential seating up on the raised sides and in front. The $350 table they were trying to sell to someone wasn't selling so they let it go for $150. Friends of mine got it since they were not allowed to stand in the back of the music room and watch and they needed some place to sit.  Not a good way to get return customers.  Not returning even if it is my favorite band. too bad because S.R. needs a dance place.

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    Great new live music venue in downtown San Rafael. It's nice to have a place to go out with live music, comedy, food and drinks.

    I have seen 2 bands and 1 comedy show. The cover price changed depending on the band (wasn't more than $15.00) and comedy was $10.00. I think that's pretty reasonable for a night of entertainment. Cheaper than a movie, right?

    Both bands were great, there is a dance floor towards the stage that actually got pretty packed. Comedy was funny, 3 different comedians.  I'll definitely go again. Fun activity for a wednesday night.

    I didn't eat but I had 2 glasses of wine and they were good. Exactly what I expected for $7.00/glass red. My friend got a cocktail, they weren't skimpy on the vodka which was nice.

    The owner walks around and you can chat with him. I think it's nice to see an owner that actually runs the joint. Great waiter and service. I wish it was easier to get a good table though... But it was crowded (in a good way) on band nights.

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    This place has the worst bar service EVER.  When I first arrived there were 3 people at the bar, and 4 bartenders.  I stood directly in front of them for 5 minutes, and they finally greeted me when I *asked them to.*  I set up a tab, and joined friends at a table in the main room.  The sound was good, the band fun, but the vibe...? Just not there.  Later I went to get a drink, stood at the bar for 10 minutes, tried to speak to several people, and got nothing, no eye contact, nothing.  All along the owner was next to me making sure 'his people' were getting drinks.  I found my sweetheart and we went down the street to a place that smelled like pee.  We paid real $ for real drinks, listened to excellent music, and found the experience 100% nicer than George's.  

    The one bright spot was our excellent server on the floor.  We just went ahead and ordered a bottle of wine so he wouldn't have to suffer through bar service with us.  (Not that he complained, he was everything that was civil and friendly, and showed the only hustle I found in the whole place).  Food was food. Not delicious, but edible.  

    Also at one point a runner came charging through THE DANCE FLOOR carrying about 10 empty wine glasses on a tray.  I wish I had recorded this in slow motion.  In a hilariously inevitable move, in which his arm swooshed up in the air, all glasses bit the dust.  They did a cursory cleanup which left quite a bit of glass at our feet.  I was personally cleaning up bits of it all night, as one of my companions was wearing open toed sandals.  

    When I went to close out my tab, the bartender did not provide me with my card.  I noticed this on the way home.  I left an email (not returned), and a phone call (not returned).  I finally got a hold of a real person who was kind enough to meet me shortly after and returned it, after being savvy enough to check my ID.

    To sum.  GREETING PEOPLE AT THE BAR MATTERS.  Maybe they should hire some bartenders who like people or something. I should not have to leave the premises to get through the night at your club.

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    I give two stars because they cheerfully refunded our money, along with the money of a guy right behind us when we were faced with problems.  In our case, there were no seats and we were going to have to stand in the back bar the entire night.. We booked through Vendini and the refund was instantaneous.  We were told that next time if we ordered a bottle, seats would be reserved.

    I think they should post a two drink minimum and avoid the hassels.

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    I finally had the chance to visit George's recently. Once the site of one of Marin's premier night clubs, the venue lay vacant for over ten years due to hard times. So you can imagine my excitement when I heard that it had reopened after major renovations.

    On a recent visit just stepping in the door we could see the new improvements to the bar area. The music is in the back room, which mainly had table seating and a dance floor and a nice bar to the left. Here is where our visit went south. As other posters have noted, despite the fact that their was a sparse crowd, we were forced to wait an unconscionable amount of time to get seated. When the maitr d finally got to us instead of asking how many people in my party, he instead asked what bottle of wine my companion and I would be ordering. When I informed him that we didn't drink alcohol and I instead asked if they had bottles of sparking water, he replied they have good champagne. and that in order to be seated at a table we must first order a bottle of wine. At first, my friend thought that there was something lost in the translation due to the loud music, but the guy yelled, if you're not going to drink, then you can't sit at a table. Now I expect a two drink minimum when I go to hear music at local venues, but never in my life was I told that I had to buy a pricey bottle of wine in order to get seated. But that was indeed the case as we sat on the side just beyond the entrance to the back room as we watched he guy tell couple after couple the same thing. Now keep in mind that this was hardly a sold out event ( and I say this kindly) but rather, us and others checking out a new music venue.

    While it's obvious that while the owners have put in considerable money into Georges the place has all the ambiance of a sleazy Tijuana tourist trap. It's readily apparent that the owners of this establishment want to make a quick buck from anyone who walks though it's doors giving little thought as to the experience of the customer in a business where a repeat customer is crucial. . Although it is sad that Marin is lacking for first class music venues, (the exception being Rancho Nicasio), Georges is not one of them. With the sour economy you would think that Georges would appreciate any business and treat the customer a tad better. But they act as if each visitor will be their last.

    And that's certainly true of us.

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    I was jazzed to see that this spot had re-opened and was now offering a different kind of entertainment in downtown San Rafael.  I was even happier to see that they were doing not only concerts, but comedy as well, and YAY! They had food!

    I went for a comedy Wednesday, and really loved the venue.  The box office is right in front, along with a bar, several tables and a nice little nook for a one man band.  The stage is all the way in the back.  For comedy night, the floor was set up with tables, but I imagine that space doubles as a dance floor for concerts.  Booths with tall tables lined the wall and a second bar right next to the stage.  5 stars for a cool set up.

    This is where points get docked.  2 drink minimum for comedy night.  Blech.  Maybe I just don't like being told what to do, but I hate drink minimums.  Then, there was the food.  Our appetizers were cold.  If it was busy, I could understand, but we were the only people eating!  Invest in heat lamps, Georges.  The taste was delish!  Our cold quesadillas and cold calamari were quite tasty, despite the temperature, but I was still disappointed.

    Overall, really enjoyed the evening despite the food/beverage snafu!  I will be back for many a comedy night and concert, but will eat elsewhere before. Venue is too nice not to return!

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    Hmm... I think I like this place.

    I went here to check out Cryptical, a Grateful Dead cover band last week. When I paid for my ticket, there was some potentially long hassle involved in getting me 5 bucks change. I could hear the band jamming out on one of my favorite tunes, so the last thing I want to do is stand around waiting for these folks to get it together. So I tell the cat working the door that I'll just catch him later, and he promises to find me. Sure enough, 10 minutes later, he makes a point of finding me at in front of the stage and lays the fin on me. Right on, cool.

    The sound was excellent. I could stand anywhere in the room and still hear all the instruments clearly. No skimping there. The floor was great to dance on, and there was plenty of room. I was happy to note that there was also an ample amount of tables and seating as well. The stage seemed high enough that you could still see the band even if people were dancing in front of you, but I'm not really the sitting type. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, though. No uptight attitudes here.

    The crowd was a diverse but pleasant bunch. I noticed that the owner spent a good portion of the night introducing himself to and chatting with the patrons, dividing his time equally between the Armani attired as the Levi's and Tie-Dye -clad and all subsequent types in between, and seemed to be truly enjoying it all. A charming and well mannered chap, indeed.

    I had a really great time, and I hope this sort of thing continues here. Marin has been sadly lacking in fun since we lost the Sweetwater, and it would be great if this venue keeps up the tradition of great local music.

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    They've done a great job setting this place up! It's absolutely gorgeous and the sound is great.  Also, the food is very good, though I'd go there more for the drinks and music.  Haven't been to the comedy nights yet but looking forward to one soon!  So glad this place is open in San Rafael now to give it some nightlife.  Oh, and it's reopened after the fire, and has a full bar now!

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    To be fair, I only went for drinks. About a month after opening (now closed due to "fire") for drinks with a friend. I've hoped for sooooo long that someone would open a joint with comfortable seating and a 'living room' vibe for cocktails with friends. Is it so hard to load a few arm chairs and a sofa into a bar? Why the hard stools and sharp tables? Newsflash: pour drinks in a mediocre environment and we forget you; pour drinks in a fabulous environment and we keep coming back -- like you're house-sitting at P-Diddy's. Do I need to quit my day job to open this place? Help!

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    The sound is EXCELLENT! Absolutely Fabulous!
    I will give it that.
    The lay out is kind of cramped.
    Right now they're still on hold about their liquor license, so there is just beer and wine. They have a decent selection of wine. I didn't inquirte about the beer.
    The female bartenders last night, (an older short haired lady and a younger girl with shoulder length brown hair) were HORRIBLE.
    I watched the older one pour two glasses of wine, and when the second one didn't measure up because the bottle ran out, she just poured wine from the full glass into the shorter glass to make it look even, then she served 2 not full pours to paying customers. THEN I noticed the younger girl pouring already open bottles of wine that would run out and then fill it with a newly opened bottle. For $10.00 + a glass, you should know better. I even heard her ask a guy to taste his wine before she filled it with the new bottle because she wasn't sure how long it had been since the first bottle had been opened. She said it could have been a week. WHAT? The guy's friend told the bartender that he'll just have a full glass of the newly opened bottle because you're not supposed to mix and the bartender just kept insisting that the glass wasn't dirty. Okay.

    Also, neither one of these women knew how to hustle. The younger would rather sit and chat with the servers and the older one was just apathetic. Too bad. In a bar, service is a big thing. Hope it improves.

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    Finally, there is a night club in Marin that is upscale, classy, entertaining, fun and with decent prices to boot!

    The food is delicious! Next time I go I'll pay more attention to the names of what I had and will update this review. For now, I highly recommend trying anything on the menu that catches your eye. Trust me, the things I didn't taste, I saw on other tables and wished I had room to add to my order!

    Until liquor licensing is complete, they are only serving beer and wine. Let me tell you though, the prices are great! They have a wide selection and everything costs less than you'd expect (in comparison to all the other overpriced bars in the area).

    The upcoming lineup is sure to keep Marin dancing and yearning for more.

    The best part of George's has to be their bar staff. The crew they have totally worked it on a crazy opening night and kept everyone happy and their thirsts well quenched...all while smiling and keeping a positive attitude for the crowd.

    Again, I'll update this in greater detail with my future visits. I highly recommend checking it out...but be sure to visit the website and purchase your tickets early. The place sells out quick as it's literally THE place to be in Marin!

    One last thing, if you're planning to drink, you shouldn't worry about parking. Be safe and take a cab.

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