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    Decided to give this place another chance and was happy with the service.  David was our bartender and actually did his job!  He was on top of things, funny, entertaining and a good bartender.  I will only go in this place if HE is there.

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    My sister has been going here frequently since she turned 21.

    Last night, she was turned away when she was told that her ID was fake. Not only had she been here before and given her ID to the same man, this ID was both her driver's license and had been issued straight from the DMV.

    It was most definitely not fake. After being turned away, she went across to Safeway and bought beer with it.

    Hire some people who know the difference between a REAL and fake ID, or buy a machine that can scan it to make up for your idiocy.

    Will not be returning and will advise both friends and family to do the same.

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    I love this place, both as a customer and also as a photographer. It is a fun, happy environment to kick back with some friends, enjoy karaoke, a live band or a dj. As a photographer the owners and staff are AWESOME to work with and I love shooting their special events. Definitely check it out if you haven't!

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    I love this place! Super fun and laid back. All the staff & owners are amazing. They are always quick to play the song I want to hear and bar staff is very friendly. Fun place to go that is local and not over the top expensive!

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    my favorite bar in sacramento area hand down, i come here usually on friday night or saturday night great prices on drinks they usually have karaoke first to get ppl lil loose then after that ppl hit the dance floor and its chill all night. the patio is cool it had a big tv out side you can watch your gave or w/e. deff try it out its nice and peace full no drama

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    Hands down the best place to watch Sunday football.  The drinks are affordable and stiff.  The atmosphere is great.  And there are enough TV's for a bar 3 times the size of it.

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    One of my favorite local spots. The staff is very warm and welcoming, and the regulars are great .

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    i have been here several times. mornings, afternoons, and nights.
    The food is Mediocre. the prices are "ok"
    my last experience...and the reason i wont be going back is this.
    i work close by and go here a lot, i always look at their online menu and call ahead with my order.. today, i ordered a burger, which is listed on their online website menu at 5.99. i ordered cheese= 1$ ..bacon = 1$ and garlic fries =1$. so the total was 8.99.or was supposed to be.
    the total came out to 11$. at that moment i wasn't thinking about the price or being overcharged. i paid and left.i got back to work only to open up the to go box and what do i see, a hamburger, with cheese and bacon, and garlic fries, BUT, there was no ketchup , no mustard, no anything. just a dry burger. to top it off, ONE SAD looking piece of flimsy lettuce that made me cringe.and one slice of onion.wtf??so, i go back and ask if i can get some ketchup/mustard /relish..something.the bartender waves his hands around and says, WELL..which one do you want? EXCUSE ME?? what do you mean which one? how about both.like i asked.what..you never heard of ketchup going with fries or on a burger? you think its weird to ask for both?
    anyways.i went back to work with this ketchup cup suited for 5 year olds . so now im out of ketchup.after one bite..eating my sad burger with burnt bacon and a  flimsy, lonely, mini piece of soggy lettuce on an almost 10$ burger!!! that's when i noticed that i was overcharged..so i went online to check the price and yup.. he overcharged me.I'm thinking ..no biggie.. he can just give me a soda or my dollar and some change back..this is where they lost my business( along with all my co workers)!!!..... until this gets fixed.....
    i call them back and say " i think i might have been overcharged.".he got defensive off the bat, and wanted to argue about it, talking to me like i was looking at some long lost website he's never heard of.so i said " listen, im just going by the prices on your website..then he says, we dont even have a menu on our website so  you must be looking at something else...in fact..i dont think we have a website.etc.. i said "..REALLY?? you want to argue with me about your website when im STARING AT IT RIGHT NOW WHILE ON THE PHONE WITH YOU ?  idiot.you don't argue something you don't even have knowledge of.shows what you know about your workplace.anyways.i assure him, sir,  i am on the correct website looking at your menu..etc.so then he says in a smart mouth tone" why dont you check your recipt.LOL.. first off dumb ass, a recipt is going to show what you charged me, not what the prices online say..do you not know that?and guess what smart guy. YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME A RECIPT! more bad business. so he says." well, either way,  those are not the correct prices, and it's funny i never had a complaint except from you today, ( like i chose to complain for no reason ) lol."so if you want to know the real prices, you can come in and look at the menu i have in front of me "!!! WOW.really? you wanna go there ? rude , disrespectful and a STUPID business move. so you have a menu too..and the prices don't match up.and im supposed to care because..?
    lol .thats not my problem. thats actually false advertisement on your website.!!.thats YOUR problem kiddo, its your business... not mine. i pay the advertised price, you give me customer service.period.I tell him that  they should honor the prices listed, and if they are not correct prices, then honor them this time ( because they are listed at the moment ) then go FIX your website for future customers. he wants to argue more.. so i let it go.I work in a professional environment and felt like he was un professional and i dint need to stoop to his <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Flevel.it&s=3e29b2220b51c591144b68e2227846eb8346ac7d910af7bc4141c38978814385" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://level.it</a> was uncalled for. this entire time he never once tries to make things right..the bottom line here is HE DENIED THE PRICE LISTED, HE TRIED TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I WASN'T LOOKING AT THE RIGHT SITE (like i cant type glass turtle into google correctly) HE TRIED TO ARGUE constantly , NEVER OFFERED TO FIX the problem,NEVER OFFERED TO HONOR HIS OWN BUSINESS'S SITE PRICES, NEVER SAID SORRY, NEVER ACTED LIKE HE GAVE A SHIT.I even have a print out of the site prices!i hate when good customers get screwed over. i dont care how much it is.. it's the principle. im sure he's a nice guy. but that doesnt mean he didnt do everything wrong in this case and completely looked like an ass and lost about 7 people's business who used to go there all the time!my co workers are mad too. terrible business move on his part. not worth it.. at all. should have apologized to me for the mixup and offered to fix things. why argue with a customer over small change.. give me a soda or my money and shut up! he could have given me one of his signature sodas with all ice and 2 shots of pepsi..but he wanted to argue and lose customers. so ...glass turkey.... was it worth losing 150$+ a week over a buck and some change?

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    A decent spot - always more dudes than ladies, big outdoor patio, big inside seating areas, pool table and either shite country or hardcore rap blasting or (fingers crossed) karaoke.

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    Its a cool bar, always had a good time.

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    Wow this place has taken a dive. The bouncers are the rudest I've ever encountered.  Terrible service, terrible experience. Will warn my friends about this place.

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    I hardly come out to Roseville, especially for the night scene, but this place had a nice atmosphere.  Came here on a Saturday night for the first time with a group of friends. We were right next to the DJ booth, which was a good spot.  The entire staff was pretty nice, drinks were strong, it was a good time overall.  I was hoping more people would dance, but hardly anyone did.  A few drunk girls here and there, but that was it.  They have an a patio right out in the front with heat lamps above, the bathroom was clean.  I'll come back for another visit.

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    Dive barr.  Went there on a Friday night and they were doing Karaoke??  The karaoke night was mostly old school songs so it brought an older school crowd.  Maybe 50/50 older younger.  It's a lot more let loose and hang back than an average bar.  Had smoke and laser lights. I'm sure girls prefer this place of local just because the more laid back and less pick up chances with 50/50 crowd.  Seats are all cracked and decor is crappy.  Outside seating is amazing and you can drink outside!  No bar games like pool darts etc..

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    This is my Cheers bar! Love everyone here even the bouncers that are new and claim because i am out of town my I.D. is not real, lol.

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    I used to go here every thursday night with the girls for drinks, its a little bar thats local and everyone seems to know everyone, they security is nice,, bartenders are great and they do karaoke till 11 or so and dancing after that which is perfect in my opinion! Drinks arent too pricey and they will definately get you drunk! Not my favorite but it'a fun here..

    As for the croud there, eatlier in the night for the most part its an older group, and when i asy older i mean in their 40's(so cute young girls beware!) but as the night goes on there are mostly bros with tattoos and flat billed hats, or guys just finishing up with their softball games down the road. either way its a fun place to go if you want to stay local

    I do warn you, be careful pulling out of the parking lot and driving on sunrise! There are always tons of cops and DUI checkpoints!! so make sure u are good to drive, get a taxi, or just take another road home =P

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    ok so Ive been REALLY drunk here. Its ok, but I believe I was always the youngest person there by at least 15 years lol. Outside patio area is cool, and bathrooms were surprisingly clean for a sat night. Decent place if you dont feel like going all the way to sac.

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    Great dive bar but also a crazy DUI trap.

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    I come here on Tuesday nights because of $3 drinks ($5 if it's got top-shelf stuff). This is also one of the few places I've been to that serves Black & Tan. The music is kinda old-school...very old-school. But it kinda matches the atmosphere, so that's cool.


    I had a very negative experience here last October 7th. My friend from Stockton was in town for the weekend, so I thought I'd bring her here. The bouncer, a big bald-ish guy, took her ID first. He spent at least three minutes *staring* at her ID, bending it, turning it over in his hands, while looking back and forth at her face. Then he asked her about her address, since she was from out of town. He even asked to see her credit card. After that long process, he gave her back her ID and card, and stamped her wrist for entry.

    Then it was my turn. Same thing, stared at my ID as if trying to memorize every detail. It was starting to get uncomfortable. He asked to see my credit card, too. A minute more of his ridiculous "checking", and he said for us to wait there while he went inside with my stuff. By this time, I was getting peeved.

    A while later, he came back with another guy. Probably the manager, I don't know. This new guy asked my friend if she and I have known each other long, asked her if she knew my last name, etc. Then they gave me back my ID and card, and said "Nope, we can't do it." And that's when I thought, "OH HELL TO THE NAH."

    I am very confident that my ID is real and valid. I asked the guy why he thinks it's not valid, and he cockily said "We just know what to look for." What a prick. I told him I'd been there before twice. My friend and I were not pleased with the treatment we were getting, and insisted that he give us a reason for turning down my identification. The jerk said he could confiscate my ID and pick it up from Roseville PD, who can verify it.

    My friend then told him to go ahead and get Roseville PD. The a-hole said we should make the call. When she asked him what the number was, the idiot said "It's called 911." Gahd, I wanted to kick his nuts. So disrespectful.

    My friend called 911, and after a few minutes, we had two cops down there. I showed one of the cops my ID, which he checked out, and... whaddya know, IT IS VALID. Self-absorbed bouncer next to us looked like he just sipped on Drano.

    The cop pulled him aside to talk to him, and after a while, they came back. Cop assured us my driver's license was real, and the reason baldy was being an armpit was because he couldn't match my look with the one in my ID. Granted that I had black hair two years ago, and I am a redhead now, nothing much has changed. I furnished my credit card like he asked before, but apparently that wasn't enough. The cop finished by saying that in the end, the bar has the right to refuse service to anyone...which meant if my friend and I wanted to drink, we'd have to go elsewhere. Which was fine. After the discriminatory treatment we got, that stinky place is not getting our business. Not a chance in hell.

    Cops left, and stupid doorman couldn't even look us in the eye as he turned around and mumbled a "Thank you, ladies." EFF YOU. Your fake courtesy means nothing.

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    Great little bar.  It's loud, kinda beat up, and the food is decent pub fare.

    What do you want?  It's a pub/bar thing.  That's what they are!

    Everyone's been really friendly, too, which is usually hit-and-miss with places where the bartender takes the orders, but the Glass Turtle is a great haunt.

    Just one thing... one of the two bartenders I've had there knows how to pour Guinness, the other doesn't.  If I see him, I'm golden.  If I see her when I walk in... well, I like the place, and she's friendly too, but I stick to food and New Castle.  Seeing Guinness poured like Bud Light makes my heart sad.

    Overall, great place, and sometimes is exactly what I'm in the mood for!

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    The cracked leather, wobbly bar stools alters this otherwise typical neighborhood bar into a dive bar.  They have a nice deck area out front, which would be nice on summer nights.

    In one corner is a music system for mostly two purposes:  karaoke and dancing.   A small flashing, multi-colored strobe ball presumably is an attempt to create a fun, party atmosphere.  Doesn't quite reach its goal, but I appreciate the attempt.  Work with what you've got, right?  It would be nice if their software of dance music were a bit more diverse, though.

    Really enjoyed the beef quesadilla.  Don't know what spices they use, but it was very, very tasty.  Am interested in checking out more on their menu.

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    This place is nice for sitting outside at night and having a beer. Be forewarned that upon entering you may be in for a massive headache or maybe even a seizure. Allow me to explain. They have these colored lights that flash around constantly like a disco, (yes, a disco)  but for some reason, they are more annoying and intrusive than actually being at a disco, or even a rave. Unfortunately, it's on the setting for constant speed/circular motion and standing in the disco zone may mean a bright green light in your eyeball every 20 seconds. The music is basically the top 20 pop songs big on the radio, so unless that's your thing, don't come here expecting to any other genre. That aside, it seems to always be busy and the drinks are stiff. So I say, grab your drink and head for the patio.

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    BEST PLACE IN TOWN!!! Been going here for years and the staff is amazing(minus one grumpy individual). Drinks are made awesome, have eeven discovered a few new favorites here. Awesome for summer nights to get some fresh air on the patio. Our group loves to meet up here, and we know on any given visit that it will be a classic "Turtle Night".

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    Great place because its like family here. Everyone dressed casual with jeans and nice tank top or dressy shirt. Great place to go out for a comfortable night to drink, maybe dance, and communicate with your friends. If ya need fresh air, they also have an outdoor patio. I've been here many times and enjoyed each one, but every night can be different. I have seen a fight here for a silly reason and was very well maintained, but that should not be blamed on the bar. Never any cover.

    Beer: $9.50 a pitcher for their selections of draft (which is pretty damn good). Drink specials on Tuesday nights. Events: Th, F, Sat: Karaoke 9-11pm, then dancing 11-2pm. All the employees are very friendly.  They have food with small and big plates in case you get hungry.

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    This place is great and not really that diveish. Went here with a buddy on a Wednesday night. There were about a dozen or so people in here. Had a pitcher which was reasonably priced. We didn't stay long but will be coming back. Good set-up with a nice front outside area. I could see how this place could get packed on a weekend.

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    The previous reviews of this place capture its dual-sided nature. Go early with some friends, and enjoy awesome pub-grub, fun patrons and bartenders/servers, good sports on TV, and cheap pitchers.

    Go down there after 10 on a Thursday - Saturday night and be ready for loud, (usually bad) karaoke and a potential fight.

    I LOVE the turtle. But, you wont find me there partying late. I'm more for the homemade potato chips, beer, and dive atmosphere.

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    Well ,I might as well start out with the good before I get to the rest. The good things about this place are that 1.) the drinks on Tuesday night are all $3.00, which is awesome because I'm not a fan of six dollar beer night at any bar. And 2.) There's a pretty cool little hookah place right across the way.

    Now on to the bad. This is NOT the place to bring your girl. I made that mistake last night and almost got into an altercation because of it. My girl and I decided to come here last night, and although the drinks were the right price, I don't think we'll be coming back. We walk into the place and every dude sitting at the bar is staring at us like we have a third eye ball. and I do emphasize the word "dude" because thats all there were in there, just a bunch of drunk dudes....staring....awkward. So we order our drinks and decide to sit outside. We were out there for maybe forty minutes before we finished them and decided to go back inside to order some more, and here's where the fun begins.

    We go back inside, and its more of the same from the patrons. We go up and start to order another round. The bar tender is busy, so we're just sitting there talking, when I notice, out of the corner of my eye, this trashy little redneck meth addict in Puma sweat pants (yes, he really went out in public with Puma sweat pants) just staring at my girl like she was a Big Mac, and he hadn't eaten in a month. This girl is pretty attractive and I don't mind other guys glancing at her because of it, but this guy was doing WAY too much. So after about twenty seconds of almost hypnotic concentration at my girls breasts, I turn my attention to him and say "can I help you?" I also have to point out that at this point, Joe Dirt was pretty much trashed, and his drunk courage was rising. He starts yelling "what the f**k are you lookin' at?!" in his best inbred dialect. Now, the last thing I came here to do is fight and my girl didn't want that for me either, so I laughed it off. Anyway, this dude gets the bright idea to try and  and  buy her a drink, which she refuses. Most dudes, even douchebags, would get the point by now and just let it be, but not this guy. He continues to state how much better off she'd be if she were with him..to which she replies "you're ugly, go away". The guy stumbled into the bathroom, but came back about fifteen minutes later through the front door with a couple of his gimp-like friends. At this point I was tired of this crap and so we decided to just hit up hookah heaven. When we got there, we were telling our story to one of the employees, and he started telling us about all the fights that go on over there, as well as all the fake tough-guy rednecks who have a knack for throwing around the N word frequently. Enough said, we probably won't be back

    Moral of the story, guys: The drinks may be cheap, but there's always a catch. I don't care how good or cheap the drinks are, if it comes with rude, disrespectful, racist patrons...it's not worth it, much like it wouldn't have been worth it to punch ruthless toothless in the face and get arrested because of it. In the future, I'll just stick to corner pocket.

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    I love this place! I've been going to this place since I turned 21.
    Although the place changed owners and bartenders, it's still a great place to hang out.

    Wednesdays = Country Night
    Thursday-Saturday = Karaoke between 9-11pm and dancing @ 11-2am.

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    Ok, so I just ate a full course meal elsewhere, and was really not in the mood for a night out.

    Wait though, what is this ... something turtle... Ah! The Glass Turtle!

    Why this place is named "Glass Turtle" is way beyond my deduction skills...? For nothing in this place even resembled anything close to a reptilian nature.

    They did have many glass windows, so at least that part was spot on.

    Our female bar server, Mel, short for Melvin, was entertaining and fun-going! She even quizzed us in the ways of Glamour magazine. I tied for first place!

    Beer was reasonably cheap, especially Killian's Irish Red, which was a steal at pitcher price. $7.50 by the pitcher! Ya that's right... prob the cheapest price in all of Roseville.

    People here were extremely friendly, and we even chatted up a few people in the bar.

    This bar is a bit out of my driving distance, but I will definitely stop by if I am within a 5 mile radius...

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    Where else can I get grabbed by drunken women and hit on by guys all at the same? ...lots of places come to think about it, but it always seems to happen to me here! ...and clubs, house parties, and even the mall. What the hell? I feel violated now... a little.

          A.D.D. aside, the Turtle is such a laid back and friendly place to go. The people I meet are always friendly, the bartenders are awesome, the servers are always around, and the Friday/Saturday night music is pretty modern. The only think which is a downer for me is the size. The people definitely make the place, but the place gets pretty crowded easily on weekends. I love the service here. Always pretty down to earth. Sometimes you go to a bar and the bartenders are the snobbish condescending kind that make you feel like it's an obligation to get served by them, or the other times you go somewhere and can't get a drink in a reasonable amount of time unless your nipple is about to slip.

           The night pretty much ended with one of my girls leaving the place with many hearts devastated, while I had to take shelter between our group of friends so the drunktards don't try to hit on me anymore. ...just because I'm beautiful when I'm drunk doesn't mean I'm gay. Apparently drunk Yves is very attractive to men.

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    The Glass Turtle is A-O.K,.... A complete dive but a great spot to not worry about a scene just to kick back with friends and have a drink or two or three. Shannon who is one of the bartenders there she ROCKS! It does have that Roseville "Cheers"  thing about it! Great spot to catch up with some old friends :)

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    Of you haven't been to th GT in a while, you owe it to yourself to check it out again.  This place has new owners that know how to run a successful bar.  They listen to their customers and try to work on requests.  Most recently, my friend kept trying to order a pitcher of Bud Light but they didn't carry it.  We became regulars and within a couple of months they made it a permanent item.  Now if they only get a Patron chiller, I'll give them another star!  Oh yeah, they have the cheapest beer prices in town!

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    Every time we go back to Roseville the turtle is always visited.  Never once have we planned to go there, but we always end up there.  It is like that point of the night when you should go home but... you don't.  It is quite entertaining how serious people are about 1) Their karaoke  2) UFC which is always on.  This place IS Roseville in every sense.  For more of the same see "Old Roseville" those places are also very similar. I almost forgot the best part: at about 10 or so the singing stops and the dance party begins. Brush up on your moves before you go, you wouldn't want to look like a fool.

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    I went here as one of during the week afternoon meetups for beer as selected by a friend.  It was empty aside from some that had been there for awhile it appeared.  Looked like it had potential for some fun later and on a hot day I'll be back to check out the outside seating.  Decent selection of beers and some good TV coverage throughout including a couple of pool tables and darts.  Not very big.  I liked it for where it was and the outside seating under some trees seemed nice.  I'll go back and check out the food next time.

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    The Turtle is the classic Roseviile Dive. Free popcorn, a large patio, and stiff drinks. Expect to run into at least one old flame from Elementary School here if you are in town visiting the parents who never left the area. Generally this bar is also pretty crowded, but the line at the bar generally moves at a reasonable pace. Trashy, loud, fun.

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    The GT is fine as far as dives go. The main problems are the drunken, off-key karaoke nights where country-pop reigns, the cramped space, and the strange fact that I often run into high school classmates there where I age five years during the encounters. The Roseville PD loves to patrol its parking lot.

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    How can you not love the Turtle?  It's like the Cheers of Roseville...

    The new cook is great, I'm loving the new menu.  Since my office is next door it's a perfect place for a Friday beer at lunch time.  Also a great place to end your night of heavy drinking...just watch out for the crazy "regular" chicks...

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    The Glass Turtle has gone downhill. We had fun there a few times, but it got progressively worse, and finally, we just stopped going. The women's bathroom is always missing one or more stall doors. Which, when you're sober, you don't exactly like to wipe in front of other drunk girls. I'm talking years of those damn stall doors not being fixed.
    The place is very crowded, inside and out.  Our very last visit there, the entire place smelled so badly of piss and puke, that we vowed never to return. It's just not worth it. No way.

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    A hole in the wall. They need more space. Good karaoke.

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    Yet another recipe for success:

    - Almost die of boredom while visiting parents.
    - Decide to meet some people at the local dive bar.
    - Get there first to see old high school hottie friend.
    - Cock block the guy she's talking to.
    - Catch up on old times.
    - Drink.
    - Laugh.
    - Drink.
    - Txt other friends "place lame, going home, you should do same."
    - Drink.
    - Karaoke.
    - Cab.
    - Evade motion sensing lights and as I recall, a Dad with an itchy trigger finger.
    - Walk up to bedroom.


    - Tuck her in and walk downstairs to cab.

    That's right you dirtbags.  The last one of these I did you assumed the worst from me.  

    So this one I gave the unabridged version.

    Like I said, I am a gentleman.  

    An occasional assclown, but a gentleman.

    The turtle is a place where you can either catch up with old friends or hone your fighting skills.  

    You choose.


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    The Glass Turtle is a bar. Its pretty laid back, they have a nice sized patio. Warning: when you go you will see everyone who grew up in Rocklin. As an "outsider" (grew up in the bay area), when I have gone here with friends who grew up in the roseville/rocklin area- all the sudden they are seeing people from high school and well...it kind of sucks. I have no idea what they are talking about or who they are laughing about....drunk people reminiscing about a high school you didn't go to do not have the funnest of conversations......

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