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    Kind of an old, slightly dumpy bar.  Decent tap selection.  Food is pretty subpar, unfortunately.  Lots of standard fried bar food.  Lots of space if you want to take big groups there.  They also let you bring your own food in for group parties sometimes if you coordinate with them (a big help).  All right if you're in the area looking for a classic bar (don't be looking to get crazy) but otherwise don't make a trip to come down.

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    So I used to stop here after work for a beer or two occasionally. Beer prices are ok. The food is ok. Prices are ok.  That's the problem, it's just ok.  There is nothing that really sucks me in about it. They have some cute bartenders but that's about it.  The  crowd is also hit or miss. Some nights it's full, some nights it's empty. I usually don't go out of my way to go here unless I'm meeting a friend who is nearby.

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