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    The mashed potatoes are Hungry Jack (quick mix), the mac and cheese is Velveeta mac and cheese from the box... So its cheap, crap food.

    3 reviews down you'll see a woman who described the staff as rude, and she pegged it perfectly!

    They gave my husband the wrong order, instead of making things right, then and there - they asked him to put his order in again, and go back to the end of the line.  (A line which he'd already been in for 40 minutes.)

    When my husband decided against waiting and just took the food they gave him, because he was starving, he came home told me about it - I drove back with my plate and got my money back.  They did nothing to reconcile the situation, and when I went in to get my money back or to get what we originally ordered they told me what they told my husband. wait.

    Needless to say, they won't be getting our business again.  Along with the 10 other folks around here that my husband works with.

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    The catfish on Friday is all u can eat.  It was good, hot and plentiful. Not fancy at all. Good eats for a reasonable price.

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    Greasy food but their catfish is pretty good

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    People are rude there. It's a shame that the manager and workers have to be as rude as they are because there are not many places to eat in China Springs. I will never go there again. The food was not worth the treatment.

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