Super smoky atmosphere. I can't wait until TX passes laws banning smoking in public, but this is one of the smokiest bars I've ever been to. Upstairs is just as bad as downstairs. The next morning my clothes are still stinking, gross.
The good news is drinks are cheap, and on $2 drink nights, you can't overspend your drinking budget if you tried.
Thursday nights are the only nights to go to Treffs. Russell is awesome as piano man and everyone you have met at Baylor is singing along loudly before they leave at about 12:30 to migrate to Scruffy's. If you aren't a Baylor student, other nights might be okay, but I'd avoid it for the most part unless you want to drink alone or want to get in a fight.
The bartenders are strictly business for the most part, so don't expect anything special or drinks that are delicious.