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    I was excited to go to this eatery to have dinner yesterday evening on Sunday January 04 2009.  We nearly got lost since, the signage was pretty confusing, small, not really visible from the main road  and its in GREEN at night.

    Hubs ordered Grilled Chicken (Ga Nurong) aka Chicken Bowl with peanuts sauce while I ordered Grilled Shrimp (Tom Nuong) aka Shrimp Bowl.

    While we were waiting for our food to be ready, there are like 1 other guy who already about to finish his dinner.  Then came a couple ordered for take out.

    When our food arrived and being served, for Hubs, came 3 Grilled Chicken Skewer and so for mine: 6 tiny pieces of Grilled Shrimp with a big bowl of rice, sherred lettuce, bean sprouts, cucumbers, cilantro and mint.  My shrimp bowl came with Traditional Sauce.

    Hmmm, I thought, my order came with 6 Skewers of Shrimp???  But it came with 6 tiny pieces of Shrimp.  Its indeed deceiving.  Plus the thing that disappoint me most was, the cost.  How expensive can 3 Grilled Chicken and with 6 pieces of Grilled Shrimp cost you??  All in all our bill with drinks cost less than $20.00.  Furthermore, the taste of both dishes were indeed disappointing.

    I hate to write such a bad review when others like it so much.  Was it because we ordered the wrong thing or we just had a bad day of having the dishes we ordered.  Hubs and I WONT be coming back.  After our dinner we left still hungry. :( *SIGH*

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