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    We came all the way down here from Chicago for the Friday night all you can eat seafood buffet. It was great!! The casino itself has a lot of seedy/sketchy people but the crowd at the buffet is fine. The line was very long and it took us an hour and a half to get in the restaurant. It was well worth the wait. Normally I am not a big fan of buffets but this one was good and very reasonably priced. I think it was $25.00. The seafood was good quality so you get your money's worth. They had chilled shrimp, oysters, crawfish and tons of crab legs both chilled and hot. All of the seafood was very fresh and the crab legs were big and in abundance. People pile the crab legs up on their plates and it's fine. There are mountain sized piles of them for the diners. They also had prime rib, an Asian station, other seafood dishes, chicken dishes, a nice salad bar, and a whole bunch of other things. The desserts were good too. They had a chocolate fountain, creme brulee, ice cream, cakes, pie, etc. This is a great deal and everything is really really good.

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