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    Wasn't too impressed with this place.  If you want to play Beer Pong though this is a spot.

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    this location is no longer here!

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    Nice place, friendly people!

    They have $5 pitchers every day except Friday & Saturday which is a good deal. Nice smoking patio, poker during the week, and bands on the weekends.

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    This review is based on the Hiccups III grand opening, so keep in mind that this bar may be quite different on any other regular day. However, one of my friends assured me that the place was hopping when he went even before the official open.

    The bar is looking pretty nice, with a big dance floor, a stage, plenty of TVs above the bar, video games, juke box...basically anything you could ask for. Including cocktail waitresses in assless chaps. Woah Nellie!

    The cover band Five13 (a regular band at Eck's) was rocking out on stage until they blew a fuse or something and the sound went out. Whoopsie daisy. I guess someone had to work the kinks out of the sound system! Once the sound issues were sorted out, the dance floor was flooded with drunken lovers of classic rock. Good times!

    The bar staff did a pretty good job getting drinks out quickly considering the size of the crowd. There were actually some pretty decent shot specials going on at the secondary bar. The crowd itself seemed to consist of 30-45 year olds who went to high school in Thornton, some rocker types, a few young hotties, and many many cougars.

    Please don't get all boozed up and start shit in here. The bouncer is one of the hugest and scariest human beings I've ever encountered. He makes that guy from The Green Mile look like Gary Coleman. I wouldn't want to get on his bad side.

    I would definitely return to Hiccups III, especially if a good band is playing. The worst part about the whole experience was a few unsavory acquaintances we ran into there. However, that mostly speaks to my questionable choices of who to make acquaintance with, and has nothing to do with the bar.

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