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    Thank goodness Hot Dog on a Stick offers corndogs or there would really be no reason to go there.  WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT.

    I should have known when we entered the mall that we should have chosen another venue for dinner.  There was no line at the counter.  I can appreciate how food trends can be different from state-to-state, but everyone speaks corndog!!  Back home in southern California you will always find a line that stretches half way across the food court at Hot Dog on a Stick and you wonder for a second if waiting in the line is really worth it...and then you wake up from that delusion and get in line with all the other "Stickiacs" because you know that if you don't get it now that your day will just circle the drain.  There really is only one reason to eat a corndog...HAPPINESS.  It is not like there is any nutritional value in the battered dipped tube steak, unless of course you gnaw on the stick to get some fiber in your system.

    The other quintessential part of Hot Dog on a Stick that people don't mind waiting in line for is watching the employees make lemonade.  If you have never seen it, click on this link and check it out:  <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dasr4rj2fVQw&s=7b2868ce7ae65c8a6d28cecf970c6396dc1caf12c522d45cd1e629182ed6d8f9" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/w…</a>  employees literally beat the pulp out of the lemons for the best lemonade in the world that comes in regular, cherry, lime, and sugar free.  Unfortunately our lemonade tasted like it hadn't been beaten since they opened that morning, it was so watered down.  At first we thought that maybe it tasted like that because we ordered sugar free, but even sugar free lemonade with a packet of Splenda should include enough lemon flavor to make your lips smack from tartness.

    The corndog was good, I suggest going elsewhere to get something to wash it down with.

    The other item we ordered is the most heavenly sidekick to the corndog, it is a Cheese on a Stick.  A stick of American cheese dipped in corndog batter and deep fried.  If you keep reading your arteries WILL clog, it is straight out of Paula Deen's wet dream.  What I do is get an extra paper carton from the counter clerk, pump mustard and ketchup in it and then swirl them together to dip the corndog and the Cheese on a Stick.  It is not a meal that will fill you up, but you will definitely get your RDA's worth of calories and fat.  It is not a meal that one can eat all the time, or else risk serious heart disease, but every once in awhile is definitely good for the soul.

    I am giving the Aurora location 2 stars because our counter clerk was pretty much a zombie.  She had that food court mentality of customer service where she is taking your order and getting it together, but looking over (or around) your head to see who in the mall might be checking her out.  The low score is also because of the lemon water we were served.  As long as the employees follow the instructions on the box of batter, you are pretty much guaranteed a good Hot Dog on a Stick and a gooey Cheese on a Stick.

    You have been warned!

    Onward...to my next corndog!!

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