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    Okay I'm giving this place a 5 star because, well simply put it is!

    Okay I was there on Tuesday.  It was around 2:30 when my hubby was done with his meetings and I was in a munchy mood and wanted a cocktail.  So we walked on Cooper street and there was a relaxing are with chairs and tables and then the bar was like a Basment bar where it's opened and you walk down too.  So we ended up sitting up stairs and I had a double shot 151 and my hubs, a new castle on tap.  

    I ordered for snacking:

    Salsa and chips: good chips, just wish there was more salsa
    Parsely Fries:  yummy
    Beef Empanada:  very good

    Happy hour was from 3-6pm and we had just sat down at 3:10p.  It was great and there 2 girls I met and 1 guy who worked there and was awesome.  I'll refrain from names for their privacy.  well I chit chatted with 2 of them and They were so cool and right up my ally.  Thank God they were there, because y hubby was constantly on the phone with work, if not I would've just gotten drunkenly lushed (I like to make up my own words) lol  Well anyways I will be heading back there to hangout when I go there. :-)

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