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    Traditional breakfast items were good. Southwest items were interesting, but not what we had expected. Seating inside or on the front porch.

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    This was my first experience at Jules' and I definitely enjoyed it.   The service was attentive and friendly, not overbearing. I only gave three stars because I was there for brunch only (also why I only mentioned that it was good for breakfast and brunch) and was not able to taste other parts of the menu.  My favorite item from the brunch buffet was definitely the french toast.  Amazing!  

    Next time I am in town I will definitely go back and try out the lunch and/or dinner offerings.

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    Jules is a new restaurant and it's evolving. I enjoy Jules greatly because I go there regularly and know what to order.

    - Absolute tops: try their cream cheese and avocado omelet (add crumbled bacon, it's heavenly.) And, their "fish quesadilla." Sounds strange, I know, but the chipotle mayo on this thing is unforgettable. Homefries are excellent. Order them extra-crispy.

    - They are working on their fish tacos recipe and I am sure it will eventually be fabulous. The refritos are good and don't taste canned, but they do need more flavor.

    - The desserts are made by hand by a truly talented baker. And if you want that unheard-of experience of trying actual  homemade cheesecake made of dairy products and not guar gum fillers, this is where to do it. I have also seen people walk out with monstrous homemade apple pies after trying a slice. The coffee is good too.

    Once you get to know the menu, Jules is a great place to go for breakfast or lunch, and they let you BYOB for dinner with no corkage fees. Cool.

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    This place was really cute, but there are some issues. First of all, its a "Southwestern Diner" but the menu is all over the place. Mostly Mexican-inspired, but with a bunch of other random things.

    Secondly, our food took a long time and it was not busy. A gentleman came in well after us and I heard him ask the server to go into the kitchen and ask them to hurry up his order. He was served pretty quickly and I imagine that just delayed our meal even more. In addition to this, I heard a microwave beeping like crazy in the back so if our meal is getting microwaved it should come out even quicker, right? I can honestly say that in the time it took for our food to come out, I could have made the same meal at my home-- with out having the benefit of restaurant prep work.

    We both ordered chicken enchiladas with refritos-- what came out was something like an open-face enchilada. (Ok, whatever as long as it tastes good I don't care about the shape.) Unfortunately the dish was in dire need of seasoning. The shredded chicken tasted like it had no seasoning in it at all.  The enchilada sauce was very sparse. Thank god for cheese and the fact that I was just very, very hungry.  The refritos seemed homemade, which was nice, but they also needed some flavor additions.

    Getting back to my first point about menu confusion: the hot sauces we were offered were Franks and Sriracha (Rooster sauce). WHAT? This is a Southwestern place. Where is the Tabasco, Cholula, and Tapatio? Aye de mi.

    Reading others' reviews it seems to be a consensus: NEEDS FLAVOR. Southwestern food is the easiest food to make tasty, there's no excuse.

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    Positives - free wifi, reasonably priced, quaint atmosphere

    Negatives - everything took way too long: the service, food prep, etc.

    When dining out, one wants to experience service and food that are better than what they can provide for themselves at home. The food was subpar at best, and the service was not that great either.

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    went there for lunch today the Chicken Quesadillas had bones in the chicken and no cheese and had no flavor and no flavor to the greek soup either - my daughter had a side salad with her meal and it was brown - won't go there again anytime soon

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