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    Recommended by a friend, but we weren't as thrilled. Still, the food was tasty, the waitress was attentive, the prices were reasonable. I had the fish and chips - the fish was crusted not battered, and OK - I would love a real yummy battered and authentic fish and chips but perhaps that is not to be had here - oh Barb's Fish and Chips in Victoria - come over here!!.  Still the french fries were crisp and hot - yummy. The seafood chowder was OK - plenty of seafood in it. His shrimp quesadilla was delicious. His main course - carne asada was also good. Dessert was tiramisu pie - light fluffy and quite good. My key lime pie was also good. But dinner didn't sit well with us afterwards. Which was a shame because the actual eating was tasty for the most part. Not spectacular, but tasty, and didn't ruin the pocketbook.

    I'd have to say, based on other reviews, it might be a good breakfast place to try.

    The location is right off the main lobby, so the ambience kinda sucks. No real separation.  I think we'll try the bar next time, which is further removed from the comings and goings. At least there would be no expectations of a quieter dinner there. There was one other couple in the restaurant when we arrived. And there was no one else in the restaurant when they seated a party of 7 with a young baby right next to us. Kinda ruined our quiet evening conversation. While I saw that there were no other seating arrangements that  could accommodate them, it would have been nice to have had a quieter more private rest of our meal, and to have been seated initially in a different area (if they had reservations from this group, then definitely they would have known ahead of time, but who knows, so I can't really fault that).

    It was kinda kicky to have the waitress wheel out our food on a rolling tray.

    Our check / receipt gives us 15% off the next visit, so we'll give them one more try.

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    This was pretty much standard fare for a Holiday Inn restaurant, that is to say, not all that great.  Previous reviews had led us to believe this might be somewhere special to have breakfast so we went out of our way to stop here.  We won't make that mistake again.  The food wasn't bad although the service was a bit slow...it seemed like we were waiting for a long time after ordering.  My wife reported that the Eggs Benedict had a bit of an acidy taste to them although I couldn't detect it.

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    Awesome food!  I live less than a mile away and had no idea it was such a great place to eat!  Definitely recommend this over IHOP which is literally across the street.  Woo!

    I ordered stuffed french toast, Mr. Suh got Denver Omelette & our friend Christian got the Southwest Style Carb Platter.  OMG it was all very fresh, good, and awesome!!

    We ended up here because 12th Ave is under construction/closed.  Ended up being a great pick.  Thanks Yelpers for helping us choose!

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    Junipers is the name that the Holiday Inn in Issaquah holds as a restaurant.  In close proximity to the Costco headquarters, I can only imagine that it is a hub for traveling salesmen and women to peddle their products to the buyers of Costco.  

    I have no experience as to how well the hotel is run, but in meeting people for breakfast, the food at Junipers is more than what was expected.  A lot more

    I ordered the house special skillet.  Rather than getting a plate of potatoes and other junk covered in eggs than is common in most breakfast joints, I got a meal that could be featured on  a meal oriented tv channel.

    My first shock in ordering, was the simple question of how I wanted my steak cooked. The second shock was receiving it exactly how I wanted it.  Everything on my plate was made like it was fussed over from a traditional chef with OCD was in charge of the kitchen.

    I was amazed at the quality that was presented in front of me when I sat for a breakfast on a Thursday morning.

    As well the service was very pleasant.  She seemed to keep her space, but somehow swooped in when she was needed.  As well as being easy on the eyes, she was pleasant, kind, and efficient . . . much more than I could ever muster before the sun is at its peak.

    The only thing that hampered the complete five stars is nothing to do with the food or service provided.  It was the atmosphere.  Now I know what a lot of people are thinking.  There was not a jade turtle facing the wrong direction, the Feng Shui was okay . . . . . . I guess.  What it was were people that were busy talking about buying and selling on their phones while shoveling food down their throats.  It is quite an open atmosphere and it seemed that if you talked to the person next to you, you could find yourself hearing about the value of towel racks in the modern age.

    All in all, I would say this is a place to have some good eats in the Issaquah area for breakfast, especially if you are in town to peddle some of your crap to Costco.

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