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    this place is really cool...has a lot of quirky and unique decorations...a good selection of beer and booze...they serve food but i've never eaten there...the bartenders and serves are friendly and fun...

    on tuesdays they have goldfish races! i will be back!!!

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    This place has an awesome vibe! Love the license plates on the chairs :) super friendly staff, would recommend!

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    I don't understand some of the reviews for the Junkyard. We went today at noon for lunch and everything was great. We sat outside and let the waitress know that we were waiting for a group from work, and she brought us ice cold water with a slice of lemon.

    The burgers are great, made with ground chuck instead of ground round. The buns are toasted (a must for me) and they came with lots of pickles, tomato and onion slices, and romaine lettuce. You assemble them yourself. The fries were perfect too.

    The service was prompt and friendly. Although the televisions and music was on, you could enjoy talking too. I've been to this place about 4 times and always enjoyed it.

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    Its the closest local bar by my house and definitely the one place i feel totally comfortable and safe. Joe is a great owner and the vibe of this bar very cozy and fun to be at.
    Great food, service and drinks! what more can you ask for!?!

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    Very cool little sports bar with great food! Not

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    Nice place for lunch.  Food isn't all that great.  Beer selection is ok.  Always one or 2 good local beers on tap.  Good neighborhood bar feel.  It's close to my shop so it's an easy way to grab lunch.  Burgers need to be bigger.  Food needs to taste better than I can make at home.  Bartenders have been up and down over the past year.  getting better though.  The owner's youngest daughter is the best bartender.

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    This review is based on three separate visits.

    Food - A
    Service - A
    Ambiance - A

    The burgers are amazing. I'm not a burger fan 9 out of 10 days, but they talked me into it at the bar. Done deal. The burger and fries were truly great.

    We've also tried I believe fish tacos, onion rings and wings at other times which also always delivered.

    I'm not biased at all with many other options within a few miles, but I really like the place. If you want a burger check it out!

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    Love the Junkyard~This is a BAR with BAR food. HappyHour is Monday~Friday 3PM to 7PM and Price are the same in this bar, as they are in others. The Staff here are very Friendy.

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    Came late and all I can say is: the food was sad.

    Went on a Thursday and at 9 PM, the grill closes and there's pretty much only bland fried food bites and dessert left.  There's one bartender and one waitress for the entire establishment, but I will say that the service wasn't terrible (food was).

    We tried almost the entire late night menu (consisting of wings, boneless wings, fried cheese, onion rings, fries, cheesecake and icecream) sans dessert and I honestly can't recommend any of it.

    The Chicken Wings come in Original (no sauce), Zippy (RedHot sauce), and Scorcher (RedHot+cayenne pepper).
    We tried the Zippy, but the wings weren't crispy, the store-bought sauce tasted bland, and we soon got tired of the one-note flavor.

    The Mozzarella Nuggets were beer battered fried white cheddar, which on paper sounds delicious.  In reality, they were flavorless--somehow even the cheddar taste was gone and were just chewy fried rubber.  The marinara was no better, obviously from a jar or can, heated up in a paper sauce container.

    The Beer Battered Onion Rings were dripping with grease, one was charred a deep brown and nothing to rave about.  These weren't bad, per se, just nothing special.

    The only upside was the lone, but friendly waitress.  She was very nice and accommodating and came by fairly often to refill drinks.  When a larger group came in (5-7 people), her service dropped significantly.  But, as she was the only waitress, I don't have the heart to blame her.

    Basically, the food was lackluster and the variety low.  Low variety makes me think that they'll make what they have right, but this was not the case.  The Junkyard really does serve Junk, creating at best an unmemorable experience (except maybe for my arteries).

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    Okay Spot they have karaoke on Wednesday that everyone should go check out at least once in their lifetime.

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    I wanted to like this place. This is just a review on the bar part, did not try the food and not sure I would come back to try it.

    The bartender was friendly but not very tending, never once checked up on us and it took us a minute to get the check. The beer was priced over, this is Oceanside not Carlsbad buddy, knock a buck off the brew.

    The place itself is very nice on the inside, with the whole junkyard feel. There are nice TVs for sports games ,and generally might be a pretty good place to catch a game.

    One thing i do have to mention that isn't directly related to this place is the "band" that was there called New York Johnny and Company. This band was a complete and utter joke and waste of musical space, not talent just space, if you put a jukebox in the area where they played and the jukebox mostly played Arabic rap it would have been a better option, they were complete unorganized, there sound was off, they sounded horrible in every way. I beg the owner never to invite them back. They were also late starting by like 45 mins.

    I will update my review once i give it another shot and try the food.

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    If you expect more than the name you would be highly disappointed. I had flavorless fish tacos and a funny tasting bloody Mary. Not good. Atmosphere not pleasant.

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    Great place..can't wait to go again!

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    Great burgers - the hobo with no BBQ sauce, but add green chili and grilled onion!  The cook knows what he is doing!

    Food is priced too high for a corner sports bar.

    Q, the bartender, is amazing!  Personality, friendly, fast, remembers your name, multitasks like nobody's business.  It is always nice to see her.

    K***, the bartender, is not bartender material at all!  Needs a few more smarts and needs to know what not to say to the customers that just make her look even less smart.  Can't multitask very well, is not friendly, does not smile and has memory issues.

    We decided we need to make sure we are there on Q's shift and leave when she leaves.

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    Super friendly service, great beer and Manu.

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    Great service and food. Try the cheese balls, if you have ever had cheese curds, they are the same! Awesome! The sauce with the calamari rocks! The burgers are seasoned and cooked perfectly! We will be back!

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    This place is beyond horrid.. It's creepy and full of locals that stare at you when you walk in the door..
    I have no idea how/why I wandered in here..
    The owner is a big jerk that goes through staff like toilet paper.  Fried nasty food and shitty beer?      
    Go somewhere else.

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    The bartender who ironically bragged earlier in the day that she had a college degree and didn't need it because she

    was a "Professional Bartender", well she did not break up an obvious 2 -person tab because she was lazy,...

    then when I protested she said 3 times... "Do you want me to separate it? Obviously I did, but when the person is

    right there, get a clue.

    Yet our "Prefessional Waitress did nothing... So bottom line was I paid $62 for a chicken sandwich .. oh and get

    this.. I asked if they had "Blue Cheese" in place of the cheddar.. they said, yes.. But they squirted a bunch of

    blue cheese dressing on it.. not real Blue Cheese.. SO $62 for  sandwich I could make at home in 2 minutes. 14

    french fries and 2 coors lights and a shot of jaiger and jaminsons.

    Total $62! Thanks! Thanks! I could have got that at Ruth Chris and had a Filet Mignon and Top Shelf alchohol...

    Avoid this place, the midget owner yelled at a customer accusing her in front of everybody that she had not paid a

    previous tab.. She cried, then became violent breaking everything and turning over everything. The only other time I

    was there, I ordered the wings extra crispy and they burned them then charged me for the person's next to me tab

    which was $48 when I had wings and 2 beers.. they took care of it.. but that was the 3rd visit and 3rd strike ..

    3 Strikes = Your Out

    Bartender was cool and poured every other shot for free..thanks for the free shots though. But I couldn't enjoy them

    though because you combined our tabs for whatever reason and the cheap  person next to me only had $16 so that

    defeated my whole tip structure in which I had tipped her 40% the previous 2 times previously.. as she poured free

    shots then too

    .. So if you sit at the bar, make sure when you tab out, you tell the bartender you only want to pay for yourself

    and not the person sitting next to you! Tip well and the shots are 2 for 1..

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    like most reviews state don't come here for the food, or the drinks... its nothing special and nothing you can't get at any other bar.  Which is sad because I had high hopes for the junkyard when we walked in.  The place is clean and looks like a chill place to get a beer and some bar food, but looks is all this place has.  Had a five dollar thing of fried chedar cheese. I don't know how you can make fried cheddar bland but they did.  I resorted to salt and pepper and made them doable.  The $8 hobo burger is such a let down.  Seriously for eight whole american dollars you should be able to create a bigger and better burger.  The patty is of the small pre frozen type, and over cooked. Plus as others have stated the fries should not be another $2 on top of your order.  The rest of the menu is just as dismal looking, grilled cheese, tuna melt, chicken sandwich, blah blah blah.  If your going to have a small menu then do it right.  Keep it small and make it friggin delicious.  Take a trip to LB's if you want the same experience with bomb burgers and wings plus pool tables, and more of a beer selection.  My two cents is to pass.

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    I like this place a lot , usually go dying their happy hour from 3 till 7 . I mean you can't beat 3 dollar well drinks . Anyway the  staff is friendly and the pay attention when your drink is empty . Check it out sometime you might like it

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    Food is mediocre AND overpriced.  Service is poor when the place has any sort of crowd.  Not worth it.

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    It's a perfect little neighborhood bar for meeting up with girlfriends for a drink or two and a little something to eat.  I love the decor.  Junkyard theme...very creative and inventive.  Despite it's theme, it's very clean.  The food is pretty good.  The chicken tenders were juicy and made of real white meat.  The garbage salad was quite yummy.  I thought the bartender was very friendly and the owner quite personable.  It looked like they have quite a few regulars come in there.  One guy walked in, sat at the bar and the bartender brought him a beer without him saying a word.  I thought that was so cool.  It's like the next "Cheers" right here in Oceanside.

    I've been in a few Friday nights and once on Wednesday, Karaoke night and it gets a decent size crowd.  I like the fun, friendly and easy going atmosphere.  The employees are nice as well as the customers..."where everybody knows your name...and they're always glad you came..."  I'll definitely keep going back and recommend it to my friends.

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    On our way to San Diego, looking for a quick dinner. It was noisy (multiple televisions on different channels all with the volume turned up). The food was completely uninspired. The service was okay.

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    Decor was inventive, prices we're ridiculous. I'll never come here again. I ordered cheeseburger and fries, and my son had veggie burger and onion rings. All for 25.00 At Pit Stop this would be 12.00 to 14.00. I know where I'm going from now on.

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    I stopped in last Friday night with the intention of just hanging out, perhaps catching the UFC fight on TV and enjoying this spot that's so close to my house.

    The decor is fun, I dig the theme.  The place holds a fair amount of people for being so tiny.  The bar feels completely disjointed as the beer taps are on a wall on the other quarter of the bar that is split between a walkway for the kitchen.  There's no lights over the grill and fryer, which should be the spot for the beer taps, so if you've ordered food at night it's a safe bet that the cook will burn your food without trying.  

    I tried one of the chicken sandwiches and fries.  It was cooked well, but certainly nothing to write home about. I would have preferred to know what toppings were included with the sandwich so I didn't have to pick off the onions before eating.  I also don't understand why the fries aren't included as the side automatically.  If they had been, I think the $8 charge for a chicken sandwich would have been warranted.  

    Also, whomever is doing your menus and event promotion needs a few lessons in basic grammar and text usage.  Comic Sans font is for the completely uncreative housewife, not a sports bar.  I also don't know anyone that will, "dress to empress" or, "get their grove on."  Just because spell check didn't catch the error, doesn't mean you're finished writing the document.

    I'm not sure the intent on having Sirius/XM pumping over your PA system while you have multiple TVs going on.  It should be one or the other.  If you insist on having them both playing at the same time, turn the Adult Contemporary down.  It was disturbing.

    Also, a big middle finger to the drunken idiot and his pal who elected to sit in my seat while I was up for two minutes using the bathroom.  Simple bar decorum is expected you rude troglodyte.  If you can't conduct yourself within these simple parameters, go back to your ghetto apartment and drink your Schlitz at home.

    I won't be returning, it's not worth the aggravation.

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    Went to Junkyard on a Tuesday and a Wednesday and had a blast.  Fish Derby was on Tuesday and Karaoke on Wednesday.  The owner is very friendly and listens to his cutomers.  Fantastic family type atmosphere.

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    Been wanting to check this place out.  

    Met a friend for lunch.  I have to say that the decor was cute.  Looked like they were going to be expanding the bar  and taking out a wall which will add some more seating.  

    The bartender was friendly.  

    I ordered the sliders and my friend got a vegetarian burger and we shared some onion rings.  The sliders were just kinda Meh..... I don't think I'd order them again... and honestly don't think I'd go here for lunch.  If rating just the food it would be a 1 or 2 star... Happy hour is $2.00 off appetizers.

    They need to check out PCH sportsbars food.... cuz it's a small place with awesome food!

    I would however stop in to have a cocktail with friends and check out their goldfish racing.  Sounds fun and interesting as well as different!

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    I freaking love this place! Come for the good food and stay for the incredible service. Be sure to ask for the grilled fish tacos!

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    this place has horrible service. and horrible food !! I would never go there again. They had 1 hot bartender and the rest are all old or asian ! Weird place.....

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    Went here on a Saturday night. Had amazing service, and the food was great. It's inexpensive, ate the Hobo burger and loved it. Will definitely be back.

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    Had (still have) high hopes because this place is close to home. The burger was good but not outstanding, but the biggest disappointment is with the tap selection. Too many "yellow fizzy beers" in the craft beer capital just doesn't cut it. (E.g., they traded out OAW strong for blonde.) On the positive side, the service was very good, but I wanted a real beer.

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    Average food & horrible service! I have been here twice and there won't be a third!

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    Not a bad spot. It's small but never gets packed. So if you are looking for some alone time, you should definitely check this place out. The one waitress that I've seen has a pretty nice body but she's married but doesn't mean I can't look as long as I don't cross my boundaries. The bartender is older but in very good shape as well and you'll be attracted to her chest lol.  As for the ladies, there're a lot of solo guys here so you might get hit on a lot so be ready. This place attracts and older mature crowd and not as many Marines as I thought.  I guess with the low ratio of women you won't really find my fellow Marines here. Overall not a bad place but definitely not a dive type of bar more of a chill spot.

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    Finally found a good neighborhood bar!

    I've gone here a few times now since they opened, and I am very happy that the Rancho Del Oro area finally has a decent bar. If you don't feel like going downtown, especially on a weekend, I would definitely recommend checking this bar out.

    Their selection of tap beer isn't great, their junkyard theme, doesn't really seem to fit, but the service is great, the location is perfect, and I've never seen it too crowded.

    The first thing we noticed about this place was that you can actually have a conversation without trying to compete with the music. The whole place is new, with large bright flat screens, and low lighting. They have two local beers on tap: Oceanside Ale Blonde and American Strong, which if you've never had before, is fairly intense and quite good.

    In response to some of the other reviews, I have NEVER seen another Marine in this bar. A lot of their business comes from the Residence Inn, so I imagine the crowd varies quite a bit depending on when you go. I would definitely recommend this bar if you're trying to stay low-key or want a spot to pre-flight.

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    This bar is awesome for people watching. Lots of military guys getting a little tipsy, drunk ho'd up young and not so young women running for the party bus at the hotel and chubby midwestern guys in tacky shorts getting obnoxious and arguing about football teams.
    Service was ok, place in general seems a little disorganized. Hilarious that the woman behind the bar kept squishing her boobs and bending over to show off the fakes. Hope she gets good tips.
    Food not good at all. Burger and veggie burger tasted like cardboard. Fixin's consisted of limp iceberg and mealy, icey tomatoes.
    Go for drinks and entertainment but eat before you go.

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    I am a fan because of the staff and attention to detail. I am almost a-ok because of the menu (did not come here to eat after discovering the small selection).

    The atmosphere is that of a small town bar, and the people were great. Decent on-tap selection (Stella, Sierra Nevada, Stone IPA, etc).

    You can tell that the owner (there every time I've been there) takes a lot of pride and consideration in the operation of this establishment. I'll be back because of these key details.

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    I came here for Wednesday night karaoke with my boyfriend and another friend of ours.  It was fun, got to sing about 3 times within about an hour and a half which is pretty decent.  The place was FULL of marines, doesn't really bother me but for some it might be annoying.  I didn't order any food so I can't really comment on that but I would come here again. :)

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    I'll probably get censored for this, but just take a look at the other people reviewing this palce. No reviews, no picture, no friends. Not that this is a site for friends, but take a look at who you follow. I'm not saying I'm getting than anyone, but make your own decision.

    This place is literally 1.6 miles from my house and they are open until 1am everyday. Now I forget the owners name, so forgive me, but he busts his hump and he's there from before they open to until they close 7 days a week. To the locals that knew Wings Pizza and Things before they served alcohol and saw that transformation it was a joke. Poor bartending if you could even call it that, poor selection that's fillay filling out now, but the next closest place to get a cocktail is proabably Riverbottom or Red Rooster. So when this place opened up a few months ago I was pleasantly surprised. Yes the really only service burgers, dogs (Nathan's at least), fried appetizers and a few other items and their not stocked with flat screen all around and they have a 50 person max capacity, but by golly it's a real full bar with real bartenders. Karaoke on Wednesdays and cheap drinks/food you can't go wrong with convenience. Unlike WPT whose crowd can get rowdy each time I've been there the temporarily housed contractors from the local hotel and the locals are the main patrons. No pool tables, but they have some outdoor seating and great bathrooms.

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    One word of advice for this new sports bar, change...and do it fast if you want to survive.  

    GOOD---Our orders were taken quick and the bartender was friendly.  The place is small, but has a nice look to it.  Some beers on tap, but limited selection.

    NOT SO GOOD---The small menu I could live with as it is a small sports bar, but the pricing related to the quantity/quality could be their downfall.  $7.50 for a basket of average wings, and you only get six of them and a couple peices of celery (most places give you 8-10 wings).  The boneless wings are $2 less, but unknown what you get with that?  Fish tacos...again average, and you only get two with no sides (that'll cost you an extra $2).  In fact, all dishes seemed to come with no sides unless you wanted to pay extra.  Pint of beer will set you back $4.75 - $5 for a local micro.  

    They like to say that they're the only sports bar nearby, ecept for Wings, Pizza, & Things, but at WP&T you'll get the same type of food, more of it, bigger menu, more beer choices, and less cost/quantiy ratio...it's only 3 mins away.  

    Best of luck to Junkyard as it has some potential, but it really needs to re-think how they do things if they are going to make it.

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    I went to lunch with a coworker today, they just opened this week.  They were quite busy and as any new business, still working out some of the kinks.  It took about a half hour to get our food, but to their defense they had about 20 people arrive at about the same time.  I had the Junkyard Burger, which was tasty and my friend had the Junkyard Dog, which he enjoyed.  They server your normal sports bar food.  It is not a big place, but does have seven HDTVs, with DIRECTV and COX.  The bar seats about fifteen and they have tables and bar tables throughout the establishment.   This is a nice place to go for a drink after work or for a quick bite to eat at lunch.  I look forward to seeing how this place develops as it gets better established.

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