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    Calling the health department. Not only did I find too much hair in my food. Lady picked up the phone and threatened to call the cops because I was charging my phone.  And to top it off she refused to refund my money.

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    finally discovered a good place......For years our place was 1st Chop Suey.......but after many times stop ordering from there....

    We were told about this place from a friend who orders from them.  Ordered from them several times and normally the entrees are good.

    Fried rice is fried, egg rolls good as well. Seasame chicken is a but bland.....

    They also DELIVER!!!

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    My transplanted barber's shop is across the street from Kings and he said the food was good and cheap.  It certainly was and is.  They have an amazing 12 item Super Value Lunch for only $4.50 (3/12) and includes a fried rice side, it was enough for 2 people!  This is from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., egg rolls were not included but were good.  
    They will charge a little extra for adding spice and I had to do this with the beef/green pepper chop suey which I found a little bland.  They were fairly quick preparing my order and I had a short wait for my take out meal and also ordered ahead of which they were on time.  The vegetables are almost always crisp and fresh, not wilty or old.  Convient off street parking in front of their shop.

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    My coworker orders this once a week.  Most of the food isn't really good at all.  There's only one safe item I have.  No. 12 Hunan Chicken.  Otherwise, I've ordered some of the Sesame Chicken and it was undercooked.  Other coworkers have had the same problem.  But we have the one who always orders from there who loves it.  

    But IMO, go to another Chinese food restaurant.  They under cook the food and that's why some of it isn't very good.  The Hunan Chicken is the safe one because it's not breaded and you can tell if it's cooked or not.  Lots of sauce and it'll cook it afterwards.

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    I live in the area so I've eaten King's dozens of times.  The food is very good, I don't think I've ever eaten anything bad there, ever.  I typically get the curry chicken and love it.

    The only downside is that the place is SLOW.  I mean, really slow.  When you call ahead and they tell you that it will be ready for pickup in 30 minutes, they really mean 45.  If you keep this in mind and plan ahead, you will have a good experience.

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    This place is a good hole in the wall.  The decor is blah, and the prices are a bit high, but the food is good.  A great place to call ahead or have deliver.  The price is high but you do get A LOT of food.  I had it for dinner, and lunch the next day.  Gotta love leftovers.

    I know a lot of people that eat here, and no complaints from them either.  No hurt stomach after Chinese food is a plus.  you know what i mean.

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