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    Fail!  What a dive.

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    I'm not angry, so much, as I'm disappointed.  The server/bartender-to-customer ratio was extremely low....the place was busy.  In trying to be objective, I will say that when I walked in, I was greeted by a gentleman employee who was very customer-service-oriented; saying all the right things and being attentive and friendly.  After that, I was handed off to one of the ladies, who was still friendly, but not attentive.  I only ordered appetizers (simple, fried food, actually) and drinks, opting to order entrees, later.  After waiting more than 20 minutes for my appetizer and not being checked on, to see if I needed anything, or keep me informed for the delay, or refilling my drinks, I decided I had given enough of my time to this place.  During my stay, I was able to people-watch and it seems that if you want refills, you need to go up to the bar and seek them out, yourself, even if you're seated at one of the tables, where there would traditionally be service.  While watching, I noticed that a table that had been seated long before me, got their food before me, as well (which would be expected), but now I wonder how long they had actually been waiting, as compared to me.  When I walked up to the bar and said that I'm only interested in paying for my drinks - I'm leaving - my server said that my food should be coming up right away.  She wasn't aware that I could see the kitchen window from my seat and had seen my food on the pass-through, sitting under heat lamps (which weren't on), for several minutes.  I don't know where the process collapsed....I don't know if my server was as lackadaisical in placing my order with the kitchen as she was in following up with my experience or service....I don't know if the kitchen is understaffed..or under trained..under-motivated.  I just don't know.

    I will say that the prices are very affordable.  If the people skills could be more positively developed, this place could really be something....even if it is a dump.  I didn't come to critique the decor, I came to eat, drink, be merry, and relax.  I couldn't care less what it looked like, as long as it's clean.....and for the most part, it did look THAT.

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    It was a thursday night. Had to be the worse dj I have ever seen. His system crashed 2 times and then singers got skipped everytime during the reboot. Then dj Rob Kincaid sang a song both times, skipping me, then another person. he had no repore with the crowd. He kept playing mass ave type techno. Everyone was ignoring him and his feeble announcements. The place was cleared by 11pm. Also I cannot sing karoake with a mic that has some gay ass sequin sleave on it. looked like a sparkly condom. It took 2 hours to sing 1 song, and the place was not even busy. Wont go back....

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    This place is a dump. The other reviewers have pretty much covered the bases. Loud music on a low quality sound system? Check. Surly, inattentive staff even when there are few customers? Hells yeah! 20 minutes to microwave a pretzel? They're on it! The beer is incredibly cheap and that's about all that is going for this place.

    If you want to maximize your chances of witnessing and/or participating in a drunken redneck bar brawl, come on down! It's their specialty.

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    I am being VERY generous with the ONE star due to good music playing!

    This by far was the absolute WORST bar I have ever been to. Customer service? Oh what customer service I don't think the two bartenders could even comprehend what those words mean. They were so rude!

    First me and my friend (just us 2 girls) waited over 20 minutes just too even be asked if we wanted anything. Which there was MAYBE 20 people if even that in the whole place. I ordered a Malibu pineapple which come to find out they don't even carry Malibu, instead of telling me they don't carry it she proceeds to make the drink anyways and then rudely slams it down in front of me and walks away 5 mins later the other bartender comes over and gets my friend her beer. I asked if they had Malibu and she then informed me they don't carry that and I stated it would have been nice to know that I would have ordered something else, she just blankly stared at me and doesn't say a word. So me and my friend walk away and go sit at a table to chat. Nobody came to check on us or give us our tab, so I bring my drink which I did not drink back up to the bar to get our check and once again stood there for over 5 mins without being helped. So I went over to the bouncer and asked who was the manager on duty he said "there isn't one but the owner is here, what's the problem" I proceeded to tell him everything that happened he said let me go see if I can find him. He comes right back to inform me that the owner had left early. The bouncer tried to resolve the problem but couldn't so he sent the bartender over to talk to us. She agreed that the other one should have at least informed me of them not carrying the Malibu and said she would take it off of my bill. Two seconds later and random patron (I assume, since I was informed neither a manager or owner was there) claiming to be the manager came over to inform us that for over two years they have not carried Malibu because it is such bad product and whatever brand he carried was so much better and that I was the only woman to ever complain blah blah he then informed me that I would in fact be paying full price for my drink or he would call the cops. I told him to go ahead, call the cops and he started to go on and on about how I didn't want that which clearly to prove my point the cops would have been just fine to be called. Then I found out that the drink was only $4. If that bar is hurting that bad to threaten a customer over $4 they obviously need the money more than me.

    So to sum this up; if you do not like good customer service and like overweight bartenders wearing clothes that are obviously 2 sizes too small for them then this is your place. Enjoy!

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    First, it was 5pm and so it wasn't late during prime drinkin' hours. The music was so LOUD, did you hear that, LOUD! I mean it hurt my ears.  It shouldn't be that intense during after work dinner time. The waitress couldn't even hear our order fully, we had to repeat it several times.

    So the ambiance sucked royally! I wanted to leave but we ordered so figured we'd stick it out.  We both ordered a breaded pork tenderloin with fries. It was really good! It is large and has a nice flakey bread batter. You have to pay extra for fries but man are they worth it! They are krinkle cut and have a tasty seasoning. Loved them!  

    Service was good. We received refills and food came out hot and in a decent time frame.

    Overall the place has good bar food but needs to work on the early evening ambiance. Would go back but it won't be a regular haunt.

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