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    This was fine to go to once; you have to be pretty tipsy to get all into the singing along and business. I know piano bars have been trendy in the past few years in various cities, but I have a feeling you will hear the same stuff over and over if you revisit on a regular basis. I had a good time when I went and the players were having a good time, but I think once is enough. Would be great to go to with people you may not know very well because conversation with your group is limited, yet it is still pretty interactive.

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    2.5 stars. It can be a fun place but the crappy sound system is turned WAY too loud! It gets to the point where u feel Iike u have to step outside for a bit in order to preserve your hearing- not cool in my book. Yeah they perform the same gig over and over- they need more frequent turnover for their routines.

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    We stopped at this place on our last leg of a divorce party. Fun place to round out the evening. The pianists were doing a mix of commercials and pop songs and having people trying to guess what product the commercial jingle was for. We tipped the performer $10 to allow our divorcee friend to go on stage. They sang "I'm a little teapot" for her....you can imagine the hi jinx that ensued........
    Overall a fun place to hang out if you want some interactive entertainment. $5 cover to get in.

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    When coming to Lubbock this is the spot I love to go hang out at.  It is a great piano bar and it is always a blast.  

    One of my favorite things about this place is on the weekends they pay tribute to the military members and I feel that that is so important.  It is an honor to be recognized by this place.  

    It is fun for a group of people for a bachelorette party to just going out for some drinks with friends or coworker.  Really a great fun filled place!

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    Only being my second time in the Lone Star State, I never felt more like I was in Texas than the night I came here. Texan fashion 101: Boots, your best dress shirt (must be tucked in), belt with big buckle, and the most raggedy ball cap you can find (wear backwards for added mischief).

    I was thinking along the same lines as Wendy F. when I was told about going to a "piano bar." Piano bar? Oh you fancy huh? Not really. This bar couldn't be anymore blue collar if it sponsored a pro Union rally.

    I wish I could remember all the dueling pianists (no homo) names because they were all very talented. All I remember is that there were two older gentlemen, one whom looked like Sam Elliot with long hair, and a chubbier, middle aged dude who did their set together, and then would switch off with two younger dudes who played their set together. They're all quite foul mouthed and sexist, but they sure can play. I heard them play everything from Santana, Coolio, Queen, Journey, Sublime, Miley Cyrus, Cee Lo Green, and of course some country crap. It was like a comedy show/cover-band musical all in one. I watched and laughed all night while pounding some ice cold Dos Equis. Damn I had a blast!

    I would definitely come back here. I would actually take this place back to Chicago with me if I could. Recommended fo sho.

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    We'll put it this way: any bar featuring piano players willing to respond to my request for "Bitches Ain't Shit" with at least a sense of humor (not that it was actually played, but it was at least acknowledged with a smile after being sent up to the front by one of the more soused members of my party) gets at least a fair grade in my book. Louie Louie's is located in downtown Lubbock, nested in a veritable lineup of bars stretching around Buddy Holly Way. At night the street becomes quite colorful and, believe it or not, parking is not as hard to find as it initially seems. I'd been hearing about this place for a bit, so it was nice to finally make an entrance. The wait in line was bearable, and the staff was even kind enough to let in our underage D.D. after awarding him his mark of shame for the bar. As for the bar itself, drinks were delightfully cheap ($2). At that rate it was enough to keep my friend fueled for the next seven beers, whereupon he stopped being able to ferry song requests up to the front for me. Song requests, by the way, are sent up after you write them down on the cocktail napkins conveniently provided on each table.

    The tables are gathered around the stage near the (front? back?) of the bar, where the piano's are situated in the classic "dueling" arrangement. Every now and then the pianists switch out, or stop playing long enough to humiliate someone on their birthday/bachelor's night out, etc. Let's be clear- this is not a bar for the proper-minded- most of the hazing rituals involve singing about someone's lacking anatomy, or promiscuous habits. Whether or not it was because they were afraid of being hit, the pianists seemed to poke more fun at the women than the men (a fact which disappointed me somewhat). When it comes to sex jokes and on-stage flirtation, why not be equal opportunity? Guess this just isn't the Texan way.

    Ultimately, though, this bar's pretty fun, especially when the crowd starts singing along. Perhaps my main complaint about this place was the actual arrangement of the tables in relation to the bar. One half of the room seemed perpetually empty- it seemed to take forever to traverse the space between the actual seating area and the bar itself. On the right hand side facing the stage was another bar, which remained fairly vacant throughout the night. I would say that the pianists were more clever than exceptionally talented, though they did do a fairly good rendition of my only request that got played, "Don't Stop Believin'". The crowd itself was, like the cocktail I had later that evening, oddly mixed. Peering over the heads of crew-cutted young men sporting polos, I also spotted a couple nerdy looking dudes lurking off to the sides. They seemed to clash pitifully with the homogenous groups of skinny, straight-haired blondes in tube dresses, but I wished them luck so long as the night was young.

    Note: for West Coast tourists, Louie Louie's provides a less tacky, though no less tasteful alternative to the infamous Chevy's birthday hat dance.

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    Since it has no competition, Louie Louie's is alright but I have yet to be impressed. I would argue that any random person that has no concept of a piano bar could slap elements together and have equally successful results.

    If you plan on going, call a few days ahead to try and reserve a table. If you go once, you're set. On any subsequent visit you will see the exact same stunts and skits, its a bit disappointing that I could visit twice about four months apart and still remember what Saturday night live bit they were going to rip off next.

    I honestly think some of my problems with this place is that they apparently have no concept of setting up a decent stereo system. I do not claim to be an audio expert, but I do know one simply rule... cranking up the volume to 11 does not make a shitty system sound better. The speakers are cracky and the static is annoying, the worst is the echo and vibration well after the words or music has been played. they obviously know the problem exists or they wouldn't try to make your retinas pop by turning the speakers to liquidate. Dear Louie Louie's, get this fixed and I will change my rating and probably visit once or twice more.

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    I am genuinely astounded that no one has reviewed this place yet! It is definitely one of my new favorite places in Lubbock.

    I arrived in town yesterday to visit and when my friend mentioned that we would be going to a piano bar that night, I have to say I was kind of ambivalent about it. I thought it would be something jazzy and upscale, possibly down-tempo, and being completely EXHAUSTED it just didn't sound interesting to me.

    Boy, was I proved wrong.

    Louie Louie's is a dueling piano bar, which may not sound like much if you don't know what to expect, but let me tell you - this is the most fun I have had at a bar in a LONG time. There are two pianos, obviously, but there were a couple of backup instruments as well. The musicians play requests and switch around on the instruments, the audience sings along, and everyone pretty much gets drunk and makes asses of themselves. Really, can it get much more fun than that?

    It is like group karaoke with pianos.

    There is a variety of music, too, everything from metal to rock to country to oldies. You will know some, if not all, of the songs performed. The musicians were extremely talented. This is not an amateur show. The owner is one of the piano players, and you can tell he is having a great time. Have you ever heard 'The Devil Went Down to Georgia' played by very talented musicians? No? Then come check out this bar and cross your fingers that they play it. Unbelievable rendition, seriously.

    Of course the place was a little heavy on the college students, but it was worth it for the most part. And reasonable drink prices to boot. I'm telling you, just trust me here, go check this place out. Then cruise over to Big E's for some killer BBQ to top off your night. Perfect way to enjoy a beautiful West Texas night.

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