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    We should have left when we walked in.  We had to stick out heads into the kitchen to get anyone to come out and wait on us..  We said we would have the buffet.  Nothing was labeled.  After getting our salad the waitress said they only put out one pizza at a time as they have NO customers.   Really......  Awful food. Cold pizza, yucky tasting salad. Even after eating a bite or two I still have no idea what I just ate. We used to come here at least once every week. NEVER again.  

    This is on the Rock River but now there is a covered patio so you can no longer see the river....

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    Ok, I'm updating my rating to 4 stars. We went back again tonight ($2 bloody marys again, couldn't resist), and it was a better experience (not that it was a *bad* experience before). The bathroom, while I didn't visit it personally, wasn't smellable from outside of its own confines, so that's good. Plus, the service was a lot better, so another bonus.

    When we ate there the first time, our food was good, but I was wondering if maybe we just got lucky with what we ordered. But it was good again this time as well, so I feel good about giving them a solid review.

    The ducks are still roaming the patio though, and I don't think they'll be going away anytime soon, considering they REMOVED the (partial) fence that (kind of) kept the ducks out of the patio area. Now they're even more free to come and go as they please. I guess I'm fine with them, though. It's kind of entertaining to watch them waddle around and battle over crumbs while enjoying a meal (liquid or otherwise).

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