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    Ordered fish filet meal and single fish filet. Order came with "double cheeseburger". Told server/manager that the order was wrong. She insisted that it wasn't. It was. Returned to counter, told same person who took the order that he put the wrong order in. He said he'd reorder the fish. Companion ate her meal while I waited for my sandwich.

    Went to counter to see where fish filet was.....obviously it wasn't there.

    Asked for refund. Manager came and asked "why" - told her that when she handed me the order I told her it was wrong and she insisted it wasn't.  Tired of waiting for sandwich that wasn't even made yet and wanted refund.

    What's with customer service?! Can't get order right, can't understand English when told that the order was wrong, and has to ask why after waiting 15 minutes I wanted a refund?  

    Go figure.

    I really hate fast food - too bad companion was hungry.

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