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    While the space itself is beautiful, and I've enjoyed many of the performances I've seen there, I've had issues with this place.  Their website has been glitchy for me in the past, particularly when buying tickets to highly sought-after shows.  When I tried to get tickets to see Jeff Mangum there a while back, the website crashed and I lost great reserved tickets and ended up with crappy ones by the time I was finally able to make my purchase.  It seriously took me an hour to purchase tickets because the website kept freezing or crashing.  It was ridiculous.  Also, they are extremely anal about not seating after the show starts until a formal intermission, even when there are pauses or breaks during the show.  I was once a few minutes late to a show, but had to stand outside the performance space for HALF of it until the only intermission, not even allowed to enter the back of the auditorium to watch while standing.  There were multiple times when the performers were rearranging the set or resting during the first half, but I still was not allowed to enter.  Despite spending quite a bit of money on the tickets, I had to watch half of it on television.  Also ridiculous.

    Also, parking is a nightmare.  It's insane that there is no nearby designated parking.

    They do have some wonderful performances, including the Joffrey Ballet, Carolina Chocolate Drops, and so on.  So I can't completely avoid this venue.  Nonetheless I would appreciate if they were more gracious to their patrons who spend a lot of money on tickets to these events.

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    Came to this venue to see Alvin Ailey Dance Theater and as always they were AMAZING!!

    This is a very nice intimate venue that I will definitely come back to see another show.  The only downside is it is located directly in the middle of UNC-Chapel (then again what isn't located on that campus).  But due to the location of the Hall, it was hard to know where I was supposed to park.  I did manage to find free street parking a few blocks away, but I don't know if walking that far alone in the dark is something I will make a habit of doing.  Even if it is in Chapel Hill.

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    Not a big Carolina or Chapel Hill fan so take with a grain of salt.  Standard college venue like Page Auditorium at Duke.  It was clean but cramped and the usherettes were nice.  Heard Christian McBride and his band Inside Straight.  Sound was muddy especially the piano which is too bad since one of the most exciting young phenoms in the world was at the keys, Christian Sands.  The night was a bit blustery out but it was a balmy 90 degrees inside.  About midway thru the performance we felt some cold air at our feet.  It was a relief after 2 hrs in that sweat box to get outside to some cool fresh 50 degree air.  After going to shows like this a few times a year for the past 5 years, I just don't get it.  Why can't they get the sound and the temperature right?

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    Whether you are going to see an orchestra, a student performance, a speaker, or a concert, Memorial Hall is a wonderful venue. It is absolutely beautiful inside with it's Carolina blue adornments and no seat is too far from the stage. If you are student, take advantage of all of the amazing acts and guests they bring to campus. Nothing beats seeing world renowned artists for under $20!

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    Saw the NC Symphony play the kids xmas pops.  nice show, great space and super intimate

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    In a town known for its live music, it seems no surprise to me that UNC claims one of the best venues. Memorial Hall was closed for the majority of my undergraduate career, so I never saw a show pre-renovation. I have seen a variety of performances since the remodeling, and it's a fantastic place to see a concert. The facility itself is beautiful and the staff is well-trained and courteous. I've seen shows in places much smaller,  but Memorial Hall in particular has a very intimate atmosphere. The downside to that intimacy is that it can get pretty warm in there, so I recommend layering.

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    What's that you say?  A performance space that's younger than my grandfather?  At UNC?  Surely you jest!

    At a university renowned for old, crappy arts spaces, Memorial Hall is a breath of non-crappy air.  It's enormous, well-appointed, and actually draws some decent shows.  I actually got the opportunity to take a tour through this place, all the way down to its technical bowels, and it's pretty fantastic.  The seats are comfortable, the staff helpful, and the ambiance charming.  Ticket prices vary by show, but that's to be expected.  If you don't come here, don't let it be because you're worried about the theatre.

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    This is a gorgeous edifice on campus-- it's very clean and the staff working there are really great at helping you locate your seat.  The space isn't huge, but the acts they bring to campus are top notch.  There are dance performances, mimes, jazz, classical, groups from other regions of the world who stop by in North Cackalacky-- its awesome!  I recently saw Chrisette Michele here earlier this year-- she rocked the house and I was on the front row; she's a superb performer and artist.

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    Ah, this is one of the greatest things about UNC. (Millions of basketball fans just died a little on the inside.) Caroline is right, the new and improved facility is wonderful. Though not the biggest venue we have to choose from, it's still one of the nicest. To celebrate the recent renovation, Carolina launched a Performing Arts Series. The first opening act was Izaak Perlman. That's a tall order to follow, but they've delivered diverse programs (jazz, classical, contemporary, different dance forms, etc.) with tons of talent year after year. This year, I saw the St. Petersburg Philharmonic and STOMP. The headliner was Aretha Franklin, though she canceled the tour stop. I'll look forward to next year's offerings. The only downside for non-students/faculty is that tickets pre-sale to those folks first, and with entry at 15 bucks a pop, some of the shows have sold out before they even open to the public. Oh well, there's some consolation in the fact that  these seats get filled with students, unlike the ones at the Dean Dome.

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    UNC-Chapel Hill renovated Memorial Hall in a big way, and the new building opened its doors in 2005. Now - behold! Air conditioning! Seats that don't cause back spasms! More places to pee during intermission! Seriously, though, the new and improved theater is now comfortable, attractive, and up to the standard it should be at. The Carolina Performing Arts series calls Memorial Hall home, and the list of shows over the past few years has been impressive. You'll see dance performances (the Carolina Ballet's Nutcracker is quite popular each year), plenty of concerts - jazz, classical, world, and popular, and the occasional stage show. For instance, I've seen Tony Bennett and "Rent" here. The variety of subscription options are cool - you can choose to tickets for all the shows in one genre, say, "classical ensembles" or mix things up for a variety pack. Big discounts for UNC faculty and staff. Interesting to know - for a donation, you can have a seat named after you. This was my graduation present when I got my Carolina diploma a few years ago - maybe your tickets will put you in "my" seat.

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