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    I miss Vonski. Chicago jazz LEGEND. Plays every Tuesday night (Wednesday morning), but the spot has been closed for construction for months. I miss you Von! Please open the soon! This was/ is the best jam session in Chicago. Hands down.

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    If you have a flexible schedule that allows for a late Tuesday night, this makes for a great adventure.  I went down with a couple of friends on a Tuesday and was pretty impressed.  Von Freemen is the main attraction and he is good...so good that dozens of others musicians show up with instruments/voices just for the chance to play with him.  It was a pretty cool night.  He probably started playing around 10:30.

    The bar has a lot of character and it is cheap.

    One bonus is that Wings Around the world is right next door and they let you eat the wings in the New Apartment.

    Have fun!

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    Tuesday night, this is an amazing Chicago secret.

    Jazz legend Von Freeman plays weekly alongside budding young musicians, with a variety show of different singers and trios.

    An absolutely REAL Chicago experience...an old hidden dive bar in a neighborhood void of fashion boutiques and hipsters....just people who LOVE pure live Jazz...NOT SMOOTH JAZZ...not Chris Bodie or whoever sells out the Blue Note and makes millions through Starbucks, I'm talking about serious, dedicated, starving, musicians.  

    I would recommend you avoid the hard liquor, as it might not be as fresh (or bacteria free) as you might expect. Grab bottled beers real cheap and enjoy the free show and totally diverse crowd of all ages, races, scenes, and neighborhoods.

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