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    The name needs updating here - Its the Blue Note

    I have been going here for friend's party's and what have you for about a year. We know the bartender/security and its pretty much "family" Its not a big fancy downtown club or anything, but for a good time with "no pressure" this is a great local spot. The music is great, I have no complaints and the fact they let us go down the street to JJ's get 75 chicken wings then bring it up in the club......$$$ I couldn't ask for more from a hood spot. Good chicken, music and company.....okay!

    The bathroom is always clean
    The parking lot is well lit ----Hello single woman here
    Staff is always friendly

    Crowd.....varies in age range but I would say GROWN - yes that's an age - and full of character....its a hood spot so you get what I am saying.

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    I was wary of coming here to the Blue Note based on the violence that took place here when it was Town Tap. My best friend actually suggested Blue Note to me, explaining how the setup was different now, a more mature crowd comes here. I've now been here a couple of times and here's what I think. You can definitely come here on Saturdays for their house music event and really have a great time. I know they have various drink specials throughout the week, so it can be a very inexpensive night out.  My last experience here is why the Blue Note lost one star.

    My friend had her birthday celebration here, and the whole night was going well. All of a sudden I see people running backwards into the building to get away from a fight that the security was having with some guys who came up and attacked him. What I didn't like was how management handled the situation. Everyone was so alarmed, people were running into each other, stooping down, hiding behind tables, etc. I'm sorry but I'm not interested in being in situations like that AT ALL. We all immediately left and I felt bad for one of my friends, who lives near Indiana, that came all the way out their just to have the night end like that.  Sometimes those experiences are enough for a person to never return again.  Since every other time was nice, I'll chalk it up to a series of unfortunate events.

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    I have gone in there during the day a few times. During the  days I have been there it has been the same bartender named Vicky. She is very on top of it even when there is a crowd. She remembered me the second time I went it. She is very personable and helpful. You can't beat the specials.
    10am till 6pm they have the following deals: 3.00 shots (rum, gin and vodka except on kind that I have never had...) Domestic beers 2.50 and imports 3.50. I had a party there with some co-workers since you can't beat those prices in the area for happy hour:)
    Again very pleased with our experience!

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    This is now "THE BLUE NOTE" And it's as Swanky as a NYC Jazz Cotten Club in the 40's and the 50's. We decided to check out a Jazz show impromptu at this place and ya know, We were Pleasantly Surprised!!! We had the owners who welcomed us to the Club. The Older Caucasian Man at the Window to pay (There is a $7 Cover and well worth it) .. An Escort with a mini flashlight to get us to a candle lit table and wait staff for cocktails... We had 6  Kettle One Vodka Tonics and 3 Heiniken Beers with a total of $64.. Now where in Chitown can you get Great Drink Deals.. Pleasant Staff like that?  Ohh the Jazz Band.. FANTSTIC!!!!  I will attempt to go there again. Surprisingly, it wasn't GHETTO!
    the only thing that they lack is taking Credit Cards however there is an ATM in the building. With their new managment team, I'm sure that will be worked on soon as well.

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