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    It's okay.. strippers with attitudes

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    Gentlemens club...hmmmm?

    There were about 3x the amount of woman to men and they werent all workers.

    You will NOT find your girl next door but the bodies are nice.  

    Decent experience. The girls were good looking and had nice bodies...just pay attention

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    Ass Ass ASS, it's like jailhouse rock in here. Seriously, it feels like an overcrowded Prison. You don't fear for your life as much as you can't help to take in the misogyny. That's if you're even lucid enough to translate what really is happening right in front of your eyes. I can't lie though. Most of the women were attractive. There was a very good range of flavor in the women. From very light almond toned, to a dark Sienna. There was more than a few of the women who were very attractive. These women are real. The public gets involved and it's a fun, enjoyable night by all. Even a porn star took her turn on stage. It was crazy. On the weekends you can bet you'll probably catch a video crew or two filming in there. At some point all that ass shakin', sliding up and down poles, and makin' it clap, tossing thousands of dollars (in $1's) in the air and on stage dilutes the real pleasure and sensuality of a woman stripping. This is not one on one. It's one on One thousand. You are inundated, on sensory overload here. You can drink, you can smoke (smoke) here, it's all good. But don't get it twisted out there. The guards are posted with automatic rifles, there is security everywhere inside, you can't go two feet without walking into one. They have strictly enforced dress code protocols. Them cats have a hard job. They do their best to keep the fray at an even keel. It works out. You can definitely have a good time here. Bro's and Bra's.

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    ROIDED UP bouncers with assault riffles.. not so bad otherwise

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    This place is alright but be careful and keep your belongings tight on you as with any other strip club.  Keep your cell phones in your pockets!! Someone had snatched up my brand new Android 4G sidekick in here and decided not to turn it into the DJ booth like another phone that was lost earlier that night. Philly is already filled with thieves, villians, and gold diggers so even though this is a nice spot you are still around that type of atmosphere.

    As far as the entertainment goes, it seems like they go through sooo many dancers here. It seemed like they brought alot of much younger girls on board who looked like they barely finished High School, but I guess they want them young and fresh but you still got some ole' stiff hags in the group. It was free on Friday before 10 however it is a rip off to park on the side or in front. I always pay to park in the front or on the side cause the back lot of the club looks like trouble waiting to happen and you know how corrupt and hungry they are in Philly....

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    This place fulfills every expectation of a hood spot. I mean it is what it is: you come, enjoys the sights, have a few drinks, and leave (possibly) "happier" than you arrived. Lol

    Went here with a couple guy friends and girl friends on a Saturday night, more so as a joke because they wanted to take me to my first strip club. That night Onyx was charging $25 entry and had a $3 mandatory coat check. Drinks were OK. Darn, no mixologists were working that night. "Entertainment" was just that--entertainment. Music was good.

    All in all, we had fun amongst ourselves off to the side in a lounge area, mostly talking and just enjoying our drinks and the "sights". A good time was had by all but you have to go into it with precisely that in mind.

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    1 Star

    Holy S***!!!!! I wanna throw up just thinking about this place! I can't stand strip clubs, and haven't been to one since I was 22 (maybe younger), but my friend tricked me into coming here with him. We were supposed to be going to get late night cheesesteaks!
    It was a wednesday, so it wasn't crowded at all, and no cover charge. he got me a Whiskey on ice to shut me up and get me to stop complaining, and I don't know how much it cost, but it came out in a little plastic cup smaller than what people make jello shots in!!
    A lot of the girls there were really ghetto, two of 'em even got in an argument on stage over $2-3! From what he told me, two of the girls he was talking two farted (not at the same time). One of them smelled so bad that I wanted to cut my nose off and rip out my lungs. After the second time it happened, I would't go close to the danger zone, so I've gotta take his word for it.
    The good news is that the girls could tell I wasn't interested, so they left me alone.....either way, I'd rather kill one of Mike Tyson's pigeons and take the beating he gives me for it than EVER come back here again.

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    I will admit I came here before 9pm on a Saturday just so I wouldn't have to pay the ridiculous cover charge. They cashier was nice but other than that I give the place one big meh. It was empty so my friend and I took a seat at the bar. I admit, I came here for the novelty. You know, might as well go to a strip club and see it in action, kind of thing. It was interesting. I honestly wasn't prepared to give any of my hard earned money back to the dancers. Nothing against them, I just prefer to spend my money on drinks if I'm going out. The place was nice, very nice. But thats about it. I have no intention of going here ever again. I was a bit creeped out by the dancers trying to stare me down. I guess they wanted some money I wasn't willing to give. It was interesting at best.

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    My boyfriend had gone on a Friday night and enjoyed himself so much that he wanted me to visit.  I went on Saturday with him.  We paid a total of $26 which i didnt think was bad and it included coat check which is mandatory.  Once inside, i thought it was nice and security was very visible which i liked.  The D.J played great music as well.  According to my boyfriend there were not as many girls as Friday, however there were more then plenty of  ladies in the building.  There was a definate variety of woman so regardless of "your type" of build, you are going to find it.  I was happy to see that all of the woman were of ethnic background, be it black, puerto rican, or other.  The ladies I came in contact with were all very nice, some of them were VERY talented.  The bar was a little slow but still courdial and friendly and the drinks were WEAK! Next time I will definately start my drinking BEFORE I go... Enjoyed myself nonetheless

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    The place gets a star less immediately for the unfair $25 door charge!

    I went with a group of friends  (we came in 2 cars and met other friends already inside; 7 girls 4 guys in total), on a Thursday around 1:30am and apparently only the women were charged $25 [the guys reported they were charged $15]. The door is also cash only, but there is an ATM inside which the security guards will escort you to if your let them know. The security here is air tight & friendly, the TSA could take lessons.
    I didn't try any of the food, but people around us seemed to enjoy theirs. Our [HOT] waitress informed us Thurs is $100 bottle night, so we got a few and never went back to the bar, so I can't really speak on the quality of the bartenders, although they were very friendly when we went to get singles.
    The dancers....
    There are some amazingly talented, attractive women working in this place. The huge center pole & trapeze allow the dancers opportunity for some crazy tricks. Some of the girls weren't so ambitious, and preferred to do simple "booty-shake" maneuvers . Two amazing dancers: Bunny and Caramel. Caramel's body is just SICK, really energetic on stage & puts on a great show. She was really friendly, and gave great lap dances to some people in the group. Bunny does things on a pole that defy physics. She didn't even remove most of her clothing and NO ONE CARED.
    If you're looking for a late night spot, Onyx is worth checking out.

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    We went to Philly to visit some friends who were in town for work. We knew that we wanted to check out an adult club on Friday evening, so I did some quick research and decided that we'd check out Ricks.

    The club was still fairly empty when we arrived. We were seated on the side away from the bar. The waitresses were very hot - all very petite brunettes, wearing very sexy corsets and hot pants. As the evening went on, we found ourselves wishing that the wait staff were the ladies dancing.

    If you are partial to blonds, you are likely to have a better time. The women were very friendly, although very chatty, and sometimes oddly so. It might have been nicer if they had just kept quiet and danced. I'm not certain, but it appeared that after we passed on 2 dancers, we had trouble getting dancers to our side for a good part of the evening. However, there were 2 large groups of men on the bar side (bachelor parties, perhaps) that seemed to commandeer most of the women.  

    Overall, we had a good time and many laughs. Although, perhaps it was because I was in such great company that we had a fun evening. The consensus at the end of the evening was that we probably would not return to this particular club.

    If given the option, we'd probably give it a 2.5 star rating.

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    I went to the grand opening of Rick's Cabaret last night as part of some VIP media event. As far as I could tell, the only other press there was from the Howard Stern show, but the place was packed nonetheless. One of the dancers told me the venue (which looks sort of like a bank from the outside and is totally incongruous with its surroundings) used to be home to another strip club, the Crazy Horse. Apparently there have been significant renovations done since its previous incarnation and the place is actually quite nice. There's a big main stage with three poles and another smaller stage toward the back in the sports bar area. (Even though there's a designated "sports bar" section, the hockey play-offs were showing on flat screens all over the club.) There's also a (tiny) steakhouse inside too. I have no idea if the plates of hors d'oeuvres the corset-bedecked waitresses kept bringing us are actually on the menu or not, but they were tasty. The entire staff--waitresses, security, valets, management and dancers--were all friendly and attentive, and the dancers aren't all blonde stick figures with big fake tits (yay for diversity!). I was also pleased to find out that unescorted women are allowed at Rick's even if they're not guests of the publicist (unlike some other clubs in town... ahem, Delilah's, I'm looking at you).

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