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    Went around 3 on a weekday. Service sucked, very unfriendly staff, but food was good as usual.

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    I never in my whole time going to panda express have experienced such rudeness. From the moment I walked in until the moment I walked out.

    I walked in and the MANAGER was the first person I saw,( I knew it was the manager cause I used to work for Panda express back in the day when I lived in California.) she completely ignored me and i know she saw me she just did not want to acknowledge me. I cleared my throat so she can finally look at me when she did she pretended that she didn't see me and that i had just walked in when i went to order i noticed that all the food was old and has been sitting under a heat lamp for a couple hours, I was so not OK with that. So I kindly asked her if she can make fresh Orange chicken and Beef and broccoli she said it would take a while and I was OK with that.

    Meanwhile the cashier rung me up and I asked her for a drink, she gave it to me. when i went to the soda machine to get my ice because I wanted Ice tea. There wasn't any ice. so I asked the cashier lady if she can refill the ice. She said that i had to patient and wait for the ice to come out. at this point i was super annoyed went back to the ice machine to see if indeed i was un patient and sure enough the machine didnthave any ice.

    So i go back to the cashier and by this time there are a bunch of people in line and they are very busy with only two workers. I told her the ice machine was indeed empty and she just stared at me like i was a crazy obsessed person with ice.

    so still waiting for my food and ice the manager lady looks at me and told me my food was ready after 15 minutes. so I grabbed my food. still waiting for my freaking ice and still nothing and by this time other customers were waiting too.

    I go back to the cashier and she told me after all this time had gone bye that they had run out of ice. I was so incredible mad I asked for a refund on my drink and she said OK

    while i waited another 5 minutes for her just to ignore me i got up grabbed any drink i think it was Pepsi cause i couldn't very well have gotten my ice tea and was about to leave when the manager asked me if i still wanted a refund.

    I looked at her said this was the worst Panda Express I have ever been to and I will never go back and left.

    I will never go back to this Panda express ever again.

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