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    I've been there a few time with my friends. This place was dead every time I went there on Friday or Saturday before 11p.m.. Going there on Saturday after 11p.m. is much more fun though. Music is all right but not the best in town I guess. If you like pops, you might like here though. Some bartenders are friendly but others are not.  The bathroom is gross. I also saw many gross drunk guys who were staring at girls and that made us wanna go there only when we couldn't find anywhere else to go. The reason why I gave 3 stars was because of their parking condition. It was always free and never had trouble finding the spot.

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    My friends and I use to go here a lot. (kinda) I liked it at first because it seemed a lot more of a mature place, and not the typical college scene (Hammerjax). My friends and I have ALWAYS had a lot of fun here.

    The only negative things would be the gross old drunk guys that stare at you and try oh so hard to sneak up behind and dance. My friends and I are great about getting them away, though. The bathrooms are pretty gross, too.....but what can you expect, it's a bar!

    All in all I like it better than a lot of other places. I don't feel as grossed out by guys here as I do at the other places (Hammerjax, Yellow Rose, etc.)

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