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    i was out west getting white girl wasted and after a few hours of going hard it was time to feed all the loud and liquor i consumed ;- ), my cousin suggested peeples its like a million other ghetto shops as i like to call them, no seating bullet proof glass full of colorful characters. unlike others have commented the wait was not long, we were "entertained" by some guys who wanted to warn us of the dangers of being fukd up out here by retelling a story of some very pretty ladies like us who wrapped their car around a pole and died. i had two deluxe chicken tacos w/out lettuce and they were sooo good. yes they were super greasy and falling apart but the chicken was seasoned perfectly and the veggies were a perfect compliment. next time im on the westside wasted i will keep this place in mind

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    The best Taco's ever

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    Oh Jesus God do I love these tacos.

    If you are in the mood for some greasy greasy tacos (and even some pretty decent Italian beef sandwiches) check out Peeples! If you ask for spicy be prepared because holy crap are they spicy. A lot of people like the fries, I don't really care for them, but the tacos--Oh the tacos!! So good. So greasy.

    Don't expect to lose any weight from this food! You will probably gain some! Also be prepared to be patient, the service is slow but it is so worth it. Yum yum eat em up tacos oh yeah. Christ I might just drive there today.

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    Love the cheap tacos from this place since it's right down the block from me!

    Don't go after sundown though... unless you have pepper spray, a tazer, holy water and a big bodyguard named Tiny.

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    My experience at Peeple's Taco was a trip!  A buddy and also co-worker of mine lives near Central/Chicago.  So we're about to get off work and he asks me if I've ever had Peeple's.  "No," I reply.  "Shit, dude!  We're goin' to Peeple's to get us some tacos!  I'm drivin'."  

    Peeple's tacos are not prepared Mexican style like tacos from e.g., El Farol or Atotonilco.  Peeple's proudly serves up awesomely greasy heart-attack ground beef tacos!  Soooo tasty joy!!!  It is the perfect meal to safely line your stomach either before or after a night of hard drinking.  You'll experience Four Happiness from eating one or five of them!

    You WILL WAIT for your food!  Oh, you bet you will!  The large African-American women who work there behind the bulletproof glass pick up the pace for NO ONE!!!  One patron waiting for his food banged on the glass "HURRY UP WITH MY FOOD!  YOU GONNA MAKE ME MISS MY GOD DAMN BUS!!!"  Another patron:  "Man, you fat!  Move faster!"  I don't know about you, fellow Yelpers, but I don't insult the person who's preparing my food.

    All in all, I recommend Peeple's to those who rate their food with grease stains.  1 = miso soup and 5 = Peeple's Taco.  As Dr. Nick said in the Simpsons episode where Homer gains 63 lbs to go on disability:  "if you're not sure about something, rub it against a piece of paper. If the paper turns clear, it's your window to weight gain!"

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    I'm not sure if this place is in buisiness or not, but the tacos here aren't  bad. They are greasy, though. I do have a complaint that they are way too slow in getting your order ready.

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    This hell hole in the wall has all the disrespectful service, ignorant patrons and dubious sanitation you might expect from a finely scripted ghetto nightmare. Open late, Peeples Taco Place is one of the only options in the area and now I know where the inspiration for the Whodini classic, "Freaks Come Out At Night" originated.

    Frequently crowded, with the most disgruntled customers hanging outside on the sidewalk near the chain-smoking guy with one eye playing bootleg DVDs he's selling of the latest movies still playing in the theaters, you may wonder, "if it's so terrible, why"?

    With a standard fare of greasy-spoon staples (cheeseburgers, fish sandwich, italian beef, etc.), the family run Peeples Taco Place is best known for tacos (duh). Experienced locals order spiced ground beef or steak on small corn tortillas folded in aluminum foil with shredded lettuce. Mind you, neither the cooks nor the proprietors are Mexican but at just or $1.60 a taco, this lapse in authenticity doesn't seem to bother the munchie crowd who orders them by the dozen.

    Problem is, the grossly over-weight old folks who operate Peeples Taco behind the plugger and hand-drafted note infested bullet-proof glass are glacially slow, forgetful, hard-of-hearing and with an unabashed snear could utterly care less about your time or patronage.

    Yes, be prepared to wait... and wait... and wait still some more.

    Nobody knows why it takes so damn long, but during your crucible of tolerance you're forced to eavesdrop in on the colorfully profane conversations of blue-jean clad local drug dealers and dirty gym-shoe wearing wanna-be gangbangers as they holla obscenities at their various baby-mommas on uniquely decorated cellphones while standing or pacing as they count a knot of small bills. It's not actually unsafe (statistically I don't know for sure which murders sustained a conviction), but it's as close as you will get to feeling imminently in danger without actually needing a tourniquet soon. Nothing revs the appetite more than the fear of getting accosted. This would be a great "dare" or bet for someone you kinda don't like -- "If the Cubs DON'T win the World Series, you have to pick-up 5 hot tacos from Peeples Tacos at 7 past Midnight; if the Cubs DO win, I'll buy you a purple Jaguar with tinted windows."

    My pick is the Italian beef, which at $2.75 including fries is greasy enough to oil a semi-truck. Generous and cheap. Try not to stare at the preparation or it may be hard to keep down as an afterthought.

    Somehow Peeples is a sick twist on Chicago comfort food. Familiarity can be reassuring, even if it's bad. Lots of folks have grown-up on this crap. Is it any wonder why obesity, heart disease, and diabetes kill more residents than anything else. If it's before 9, go to the CA Beef joint across the street. pay a little extra but walkout without the caption "If you dare" silently hovering above your meal.

    Lord help me to never stumble into Peeples Taco again.

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