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    Just like everyone else, my friends and I were treated very poorly. We decided to share 1 beer on our way there from the apartments next door, we tossed it in the garbage when we arrived and bought a pitcher from the bar. We were kicked out by a bouncer on a power trip saying we couldn't bring outside beer and he had to kick us out for even bringing it on the property. Thanks for letting us buy a pitcher before kicking us out.

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    Only been here once, and will never come back again. I am a Huntington Beach local and have lived just 2 miles from this place my whole life. Yet I was immediately treated like an outsider. I didn't interact with the staff, but the crowd there sucked a big one. And I'm assuming they're all regulars because they all had that sloppy drunk 'I run this place' attitude. All I wanted to do was have a few drinks and play some pool with my friends, and I knew that there were a ton of pool tables here.

    We came in and saw a table that no one was playing on, but 2 girls were leaning against. We asked if they were using the table, and instead of just saying they were using it, they glared at us and in a condescending/obnoxious tone said something to the effect of "We're using it...our friends are outside smoking a cigarette, this is our table, you can't use it." We're like okaaaay whatever ladies.

    Then all my friends and I looked at each other and decided we were going to bail. Before we had time to leave, some disgustingly drunk guy started sizing up my boyfriend and telling him he wasn't welcome. We pretty much just called them douchebags and left. I'll never go back there again. Those gross ass people give HB locals a bad name.

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    The pub is okay, but someone mentioned "intimidating staff" and that's right. I went to have a beer in a sunny afternoon and I received an important phone call and I went outside to smoke a cigarette and answer it. I left my beer on the counter and after a few minutes, my beer was hot and I ordered a new one. I had the total of 3 beers. When  I was ordering my fourth and last beer, the blond girl gave me a intimidating look and said I was done for today and made the embarracement of kick me out of the pub with no reason. I was not drunk, not talking loud or with a wrong dress code. It happened around 3 o'clock on wednesday. I don't know if the fact I was chatting on the phone in a different language gave the bartender or someone else a wrong interpretation. But I was not having a wrong conduct. In fact her personal friends were loud, with beach clothes and drunk. And I was the one kicked out like a brat from the place  in front of everybody. I didn't discuss, I just walked away. Unfortunately the bar is across the street from my house and it's ok to grab a beer and I don't need to drive. But I don't need this insult. The 50-50 Burger on beach and Adams has a great selection of beers, great enviroment and a cute male bartender.  Also walking distance from my condo. Maybe she was mad because I didn't tip well :)

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    Great place for cold beer and Billard!

    This is my friends favorite place to chill and play some pool. I met up with him and noticed the parking was a bit small and by the looks of the outside it looked like a dive bar for sures. Once inside I noticed it to be a low key easy going place to get a cold beer and chill. They do have a bounce that was pretty friendly and the girls walking around were cool too. I will come back again.

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    Good place for a cheap, stiff drink and to play some pool. They also have a jukebox with some great tunes. But I could do without the creepy old drunk guys hitting on me!

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    i was in search of the best billiards and best bars in huntington beacg    for you guys this week so im gonna start with my personal favorite........and ill tell you why in a minute.      the pen   in huntington beach  by far is the best....   for alot of reasons.   the drinks are not expensive.   the tables ae great.    they always havecool bouncers keeping everybody in check    they have pretty girls working there usually    and the owners run the place,    they are the coolest guys min town,   they have been ther forevr.   they are at beach blvd and adams avenue.    you must go there... if that is whatyorelooking for             the reason its my favorite is because.............yeas ago it was a lingerie bar,   it was called the play pen.    i worked there for a while.   and i made a ton of money.    the girls were always so jealous of all mthen tips id make   they'd  have me count oit outin front of everybody with the owners    sometimes on slow days  mytips were way over my register.  you know why    because i love people   im am very sexy   i am not stuck up   im not sleazy   people would just stthere and order a couple beers   and they'd tip me a 5  a 10   a 20.....   they knew tips were impotant i guess and i was so sexy   way back then   and nice   it was hilarious....   girls are still jealous and snotty with me   some are not   funny...  ha ha ha .    it  was such a great place to work,  was,  its not a lingerie bar today...........  check out   the pen.   debi good

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    My friend goes to this bar quite a bit since her boyfriend practically lives here with his friends. I went with her one night and my god I've never seen so many white people in one place before. I'm a short little Asian girl and boy did I feel uncomfortable and out of place. It didn't help that all these old white men clearly had yellow fever or something and kept trying to teach me how to play pool.

    Besides that though, it is a nice little local bar. Hole in the wall really with a ton of locals and tattooed bar tenders. The drinks are pretty cheap though and the pool tables are pretty cheap too. I would never ever come back here though by myself or without my friend. 3/5

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    I love the Pen, always treated right, great drinks at great prices, no downtown MMA dudes either. Lots of pooltables, even when they have leaugues, we get a table to ourselves. Bartenders are fast and friendly too !! Many TV's for sports, My home bar for sure ! Wanted to add a thing or too, the asian girl post how theres all white people there, its huntington beach, its the demographics, not some racist conspiracy, get real girl, and  the crowd isnt old men with asian fever lol, its younger mellow party people having a good time, shooting pool, listening to music. , ive seen plenty of non whites there, and never ever seen anyone looking at them strange, my best friend is Latino, never seen anyone starring at him either. Great local bar !!

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    great dive bar.  amy will remember you by name, even if you only go there once a year.  cheap ass drinks.  pool tables.  satellite football.  what more could you ask for!

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    Mellow bar catering more towards those that just want to have a good time and shoot some pool.

    Pitcher of beer is $13.

    People around here look rough around the edges, but don't be alarmed, if you're cool they're cool. This also applies to the intimidating staff which I've never had a problem with.

    Love the jukebox, and you don't have to wait forever to hear your round of songs.

    Definitely a divey pool bar, but I'm not complaining.

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    I am becoming more and more fan of dive bars for this exact reason:

    Judging hot girls with my neighbors, roommate, and oddly enough my boyfriend..

    Girl #1 in debate
    blonde, short shorts, muscular, cowgirl boots, cute face

    Girl #2-
    Rail thin, blue jeans, low cut top, stilettos, longer dark hair, and (neighbors term) a horse face

    Game after Game of pool, pitcher after pitcher of Pyramid, we have now crossed the line from debating to arguing. I decided I didn't have enough testosterone to continue this one, so I turned to the bartender who (I'm sure) picked one of the two girls hours ago and before I could even ask she just says:

    "The blonde, hands down"....

    Now were talkin, not only is she on my side but she poured me a very generous shot of vodka. I can't complain, the music was good, the bartender (Krystal, I think) was really fun, (I think she is the blonde everyone says is great) People watching is awesome here, you never know what can happen! It will keep me coming back, that and I live around the corner :)

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    The pen - ok , there was two people here and you guys charged me 6.00 for a fat tire draft . Why ?  I will never go back and tell people never to visit. Thanks but ,no thanks

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    this is a cool spot, it's a pretty good size, like 9 pool tables only 2 are full size though decent sticks, mostly ricker peeps in here. music is standard bar classic rock but the got a juke box.  bartendress's are cool....never seen any bartender guys only girls. good parking and it can get pretty busy.... variety of older and younger people here.

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    Came here on a sunday around 1pm...quick review:

    Cool bartender (blond gal)

    Love the internet jukebox! One person played eddie murphy's 'party all the time.' i had to rival the randomness with 'suedehead' by morrissey.

    Very cool of management to allow pizza delivery from the place next door

    Clean dive bar (oxymoron? Perhaps...)

    Only downfall: if you're going to smoke outside, do it where the smoke won't blow it back into the bar (defeats the purpose)

    Fun place overall

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    Another random bar located in what appears to be a strip mall. There's a bar, a few pool tables (which seem to fill up pretty quickly,) and a juke box. That juke box is both a blessing and a curse, tho, because you can get someone playing like 20 heavy metal songs in a row and then 10 Britney Spears songs. You just never know what you'll be grooving to in here. Drinks are served quickly and it seems to be a predominantly local crowd milling around here- the tattooed types, the college looking kids, etc... Overall it's a fine place to go have a couple of beers and shoot some pool. I wouldn't say this is so much a destination spot as it is a jump off point or a night cap type of spot.

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    Best place for a game of pool, leagues. Drinks are good and great prices. Juke box is internet and can slam some great music. They have, maybe 20 TV's and big screens for sports enjoyment, including NFL Sunday Ticket. I dont like downtown and this is a local hangout. No 909ers!!! Love that, staff is great and fast, i dont wait long for service like other places!!! Also love that they have 2 big pool tables, most bars dont!!
    Friendly crowd, always fun.

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    Eh, it was okay.  Went super late about two weeks ago in the middle of the week.  Not many people were there which doesn't bother me so much, but I was kinda bummed with the jukebox selection.  The bartenders were nice but I wasn't really digging the crowd that was there.  If I ever go back, it'll probably be one of the last stops of the night.

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    The Pen is the local's local bar, a true blue collar hangout.  They have 7 bar size pool tables and 2 full size tables. The drinks are strong and the bartenders are hilarious.  It's a great alternative to the downtown circus.

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    If there is,
    nothing else to do,
    nowhere else to go,
    nobody to disrupt,
    no ruckers to be found,
    feel like being in a public place,
    feel like cheap(er) alcohol,
    feel like retreating to a local spot,
    have a tray full of quarters in your car,
    have a buddy or two who's in the same mood,
    Then go here...

    Tables are quarters only. Mixed drinks are generous on alcohol and great in prices. Bartenders have plentiful inkwork (and plentiful in the tube-tops). The pool hall is older yet laid back and relaxed. I usually get a couple looks at the door but I'm assuming it's because I don't dress like the local-usual that frequents here... But cumulatively I don't feel uncomfortable here, I actually like it.

    I owe Michael and Beth a rematch...

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    This is a nice little local bar, but I would never give it 4 or 5 stars, come on people. It sits in a strip mall and is a basic hole in the wall bar full of tatted locals and super tatted female bartenders. I don't have anything against tats, but simply setting the tone for anyone who may decide to check this place out.

    It's predominantly white and have heard rumblings of white supremacy rumors come out of this place and have actually experienced it a bit myself. A couple of my employee's, one Asian and one Mexican went with me to grab a drink and shoot pool and they both mentioned to me that they didn't like the place and felt uncomfortable while there, and said guys were giving them mean looks. I didn't notice this myself, but I have to take their word for it.

    I'm not bagging on the place, I actually like it and the drinks are super cheap, so it's a can't miss there. Just had to put it out there.

    They have a ton of pool tables and have a lot of good players. They hold tournaments all the time.

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    Ahhh The Pen, if you are my friend you know I love The Pen and all that goes along with it! The bartendresses are always sweet and just enough of a pain to make it fun. The 9 pool tables makes it a nice place to go with the boys cause you rarely ever have to fight to hold a table. The $6.50 pitchers of Bud Light though... Quite possibly the reason I've been going for so many years now. No matter where I move to, I will always come back to The Pen. Thanks Amy, Julie, Paula, and Tammy for always taking care of us obnoxious a-holes. ;)
    The Pen is purely a bar/pool hall as in no food, but Nona Lucci's right next door will deliver your food to you at the bar, which is very nice...

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    HARD LIQUOR AND PITCHERS FOR $6.50!!!!  SWEET!!!!  The Pen is a nice local spot for all the bros in HB grab a drink.  It's conveniently located on Beach and Adams, and the best part is it is not downtown.  Away from the douche baggery of all the MMA bros and guys wearing Affliction and Ed Hardy, thank god!  Pool for days.  The crowd is laid back.  I love the pen, during the days it's a great spot to grab a brew with the boys and at shot some pool.  At night on weekends it's a great spot to see all the people you haven't seen in years and mingle with easy going people.  I was at The Pen yesterday, I saw people I haven't seen in 6 years since high school, and I've known them since 6th grade.  It's a great environment to party and get hammered.  Not so much for those "fancy" peoples who are too sophisticated for such "low brow" activities like hanging out with the homies and friends. :)

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    Pens, I heard it from the bartender at the Hyatt, pool tables and a bartender who doesn't wear a bra! Horrors what this world has come to.., then I was around in the sixties when women were burning bras, and to add to the attraction, I was told she was ugly. What does this mean? Fortunately, the bartender was not working, when I went to play pool, drink an IPA, and just Juking-away the afternoon. Many tables, but hey, 2 9' tables is heaven in my book, altho I only needed one. Meanwhile, the patrons are laughing their asses-off at the bar, the music is their choice, good old stuff, I'm hitting balls in like crazy after a long interval, and laughing at the laughing.  The bartender is bizarrely hot, blonde but dark eyebrows, she plays to all the laughter, so good to relax in a nice atmosphere, and outside bright sun, windy day, the sea air is everywhere just a mile away the grand Pacific.  This made me get a good night's sleep, playing pool. Perfect.

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    Love the Pen. It's located practically in my housing track, so not worrying about driving is awesome. The Pen has been around a while, my dad used to play pool here when I was little. It's pretty big inside for a dive - big enough to have 9 pool tables and a really long bar. They recently replaced the old style CD jukebox with one of those electronic ones, so you can pick whatever music you want to hear. There are TVs located in pretty much every nook of the bar, so wherever you're sitting you can see the game.

    Drinks are strong and service is always quick, plus the bartenders are always super nice. They do have a $10 minimum for bar tabs, so if you're only planning on having one beer, bring some cash.

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    The Pen. uhhh dirty and goooodd!! 3 full size pool tables and 4 or 5 bar pool tables. Cheap drinks, a few TV's for sports, tattooed waitress', no food but there is some Nona Lucci's next door, cheap tables, and enough dudes for all you singles ladies out there. Some days there are pool tourneys, I haven't joined any, but I just notice there are a lot of folks taking up the tables. It's a fun place to waste a few hours and kill a few memories.
    Oh, and there is parking in front, but I recall two drunk chicks getting kicked out, then preceeding to get in their El Dorado, back out of their spot and crank the wheel a little too soon, leaving a nice streak down the next car over. I either walk or park closer to the La Capilla parking area.

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    I just went here this weekend for my friends birthday, and it was really fun.  Lots of pool tables for the guys, and good cheap drinks.  The bartender melanie was a sweety and so were the rest of the staff.  For a good mellow time I'd totally go again.  Wish i lived closer.

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    The Playpen also known as The Pen is a great place for some bar pool and drinks.  9 bar pool tables, full bar, juke box, parking, BYO-food, & penty of places to grab food in the same lot.  A mixture of good folk and douchbags.

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