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    I found the review for the Paradise Lounge searching for a restaurant near my hotel at LGA.I had to check it out as it was 5 blocks from my hotel.The guy working the door(elevator) asked me what floor I wanted to go to.I told him I had never been there so I didn't know.He informed me it was a private club but took me up to the second floor where there was a nice bar with a gorgeous Asian bartender.By the time I got a drink(three minutes)the door guy reappeared and informed me I had to go,as management did not know me.From what I saw this place was straight.The few women I saw were 8's up, if you like Asian women.The place was clean and not smokey,saw no old men but was only inside for 5 minutes or so.Sucked for me.Anyone have any input on how to navigate this place without getting tossed?How to become a "member"
    Thanks in advance

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    If you are a breathing guy I think you would love this place.  I, unfortunately, a straight-female, thought it was something else.  I was with four guys and I happened to be the only girl with them because I was part of their "guys night out."  The trooper I am, I went there with them with intentions to only drink and see what the hell they were talking about.
    They give you green tea with your bottle of hen which is delicious and reminds me of Hong Kong! I was SUPER uncomfortable, but once I started drinking it was a-ok!

    So there's different rooms and there's these paid girls dress in scandalous clothes walking from room to room drinking with whomever pay to go in the rooms.  There are a bunch of older men groping these ladies but who's to say anything? The girls look happy!  Overall it was pretty entertaining to see how the night progressed!  Some girls left with the guys, other guys left with each other and there's bartenders eating meat on skewers!

    So with that said, I only recommend guys who have other intentions and meet really FRIENDLY women to come here...

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    This place is not for the faint of heart. The clientele are old Chinese men who like to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and oggle young girls. You will have the opportunity to do all three if you go here. I've been there and I almost fell asleep cause I was so uncomfortable. I didn't want to talk to the girls, I didn't want to drink anything other than Coca-Cola and I didn't want to smell all the cigarette smoke. I wanted to go home, wash the smoke off my clothes and watch re-runs of Seinfeld. That's just me though and I feel like if I was the complete opposite of me then I would love this place.

    This is one of those places you didn't know existed. There are a bunch of girls running around the place trying to convince you to buy drinks for yourself and for them. You have money and they'll have time for you. It's uhm... one of "those" places. It's not a strip club or anything like that and I don't think the girls are offering any uhmm... "favors." It's just a dark smoky bar with loud music, lots of flashing lights, TVs and moderately scantily clad young Asian girls. Enter at your own discretion or if you're a real pervert cause this place is totally pervert-friendly! Yay! :D

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