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    This place is the BEST venue for a party. Especially if you're on a budget. To the naked eye its clean, has ample seating, a nice dance floor AND THATS IT!!!! American cuisine??? Really??? What bar doesnt serve burgers? Theres a bunch of stuff I cant even pronounce on the menu. Who eats Fu-fu in a bar?? This place was a GEM when Brandon owned it. Russ Parr day parties......fight parties, comedy shows. The place was packed. They had great bar tenders that served good drinks. Now its a dump!!!!! You better order a rum & coke because they dont know jack about mixed drinks!!! I was going there to watch fights & football games on the big screen , order some fries and sneak my own mini's in. Oh......my boyfriend said they had a huge OPEN tub in the mens room with the ice in it.........Oh well. Thats what I get for sneaking in my mini's.

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    I wanted to write a review on this location because I want to thank them for at least trying to promote fight nights, comedy shows, and sporting parties. Not always is it most convenient to go into DC esp. with all those traffic cameras and the high cost and limited parking. I am happy to have Rio's nearby. It might not be all decked out and high siddity, but down home and a neighborhood venue. The community is really hard on the up and coming places. I will say that their sound system is in need of desperate repair, the food is ok , but all is good when the drinks are cheap whoa! I went on a wed to a comedy show and it was well worth just getting out on a wed night. The event was hosted by COMEDIAN-MICHAEL-NATHAN who is not in the business only for notoriety, but for the love of comedy, which sometimes I wonder is a dying art. A clever witty comedian can make many of your worries go away ya dig. One down side all though there are a ton of flyers for the comedy shows passed out in the community  the information is rarely posted online facebook, twitter, etc. which it makes it extremely hard to broadcast it to friends.

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    I set up an account just to write this review!!!  This company lacks tact and a good marketer.  It kind of irritates me when I come out of another establishment and find their stupid promotions on my car, but when I came out of my house this morning and there was a flyer on my car (in a community with no solicitation rules) that drew the line.  If you knew how to market to your particular interest group you probably would not have wasted money and placed your flyers on cars at people's houses where it will irritate more than cause them to stop by.  All I can say is they are tactless.

    In regards to actually being at the restaurant, when I have been there it is overpriced and so far back in a secluded dark area that it really is not inviting.

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