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    Roadkill is fast becoming a Greeley legend. The food is good, beer cold and always a game on. The menu is very reasonable.  Dang good bar, especially on a game day.

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    My boyfriend and I have been here a couple times.  The food is pretty good.  I was very irritated with our waitress the last time we went.  The waitresses are all young good looking girls which I'm sure they do to draw men in to drink.  Our waitress was WAY more interested in flirting with some guys sitting at the bar then attending to us!  She took forever to take our order and it wasn't busy by far when we got there.  When we were done eating she cleared our plates and never came back to ask if we were finsihed, wanted more drinks or anything and we both had empty beers when she took our plates.  We watched her flirting with the guys at the bar for about 15 minutes before she FINALLY brought us our check; I'm not exaturating.  It's one thing to have a busy waitress and have to wait forever for your ticket but she litterally stood in front of us flirting and hugging these guys while we wanted to go with barely any other customers eating.  

    Bottom line - if you are a single guy looking to hit on some cute waitreses this place is for you.  The food is good but don't expect great service if you've got a female in your group!

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    Great place for racist rednecks to hang out and get s#itfaced.  If you're lucky, they might even pick a fight with you!  On  the plus side, the bartender was friendly...

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    The chicken sandwich was lacking anything special, it was just chicken breast with lettuce, tomato, and mayo. The hamburger I ordered was enormous, I couldn't fit it in my mouth, not to bad tasting-wise. I order the "Fried Pickles and Jalapenos" with the meals, and got a ton of them, so much I basically took a whole Styrofoam box full home as left overs. The atmosphere is a sports bar, something similar to Buffalo Wild Wings. The staff, super hot, very polite and courteous -- they will bend over back-wards for the customer.

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