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    Great little club.

    This place is a great size, not overwhelming huge, one big room. They have a lot of promotions going on here, so I would recommend that you check out their website to see what kind of music will be playing.

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    I was just walking past this place with my wife and her sister, with no intent to go in, but one of the dudes working the door kept saying "no whitesies" as we approached.   There wasn't anyone else around, so there is no doubt the comment was aimed at us.

    I don't use the term racist much, but ya... that's all I could think as I walked by.

    There are plenty of clubs in downtown Lowell.  I'd suggest another with a little less attitude.

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    Hello?  Anybody here? 10:45 on a Saturday night and there is an EMPTY dance floor and 5 people at the bar. 3 stars because it isn't the place's fault but I won't be back!!

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    I think this place is still in search of an identity, but has potential.  The owners seem really nice, and the club has good intentions.  Unfortunately, the clientele isn't there to support it, yet.

    They've tried themed nights, velvet ropes, jazz bands, DJs, bottle service, and a dress code.  Thus far, I still think they're trying to find their niche.

    When I went, I enjoyed how low-key it was - surrounded by business folk making small-talk at the surrounding tables.  The staff is eager to please and personable.  It's just up to what direction they take Savanna Palace to see if I'll go back or not.

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    Went on opening night what a happening place for the historic city of Lowell... They have a full course appetizer menu and i met the owner.. The tall gentleman doorman was very courteous as well to our group!I plan to return soon as this place looks very nice now. The new ownership did a good job!

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