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    Ratchet, hood, Ghetto and not the move!!! Just Horrible... DO NOT... I repeat... DO NOT GO HERE! Waste of time and money...

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    I used to bartend here so i love this place. Its one of those hood clubs where you'll see almost anything. Ladies are free till 2 usually. And guys can be any where between $10-15. Drinks are $1 till 1 (i think) but even after that the drinks are still cheap. $4 beers and $5 mixed drinks. I always leave there feeling nice and toasty, lol.

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    They advertised on the radio the club to be free to get in and when we got there it was a different story. The door man said $10 for ladies and $15 for men. After we mentioned that we heard free cover on the radio he said a different story. Now the price is free for ladies but you have to buy a $5 drink ticket  and regular price for men which was $15. And if your wondering if I paid the answer is NO! We had 2 guys and 2 girls. So to recap, we were going to pay $50 total before mentioning free radio cover ad and $40 total for mentioning the free cover radio ad.

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