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    Alot has changed with Shooters from the time i first was here back in 1999, but the wings are still as good as I remember, I think one of the best in town, I like the fact as well that its  local and not a chain restaurant.  They also have the option of their new Wood Fire Grill which offers alot of different variety on the menu! I must say tho the last time I was in there the person making the Bloody Mary was not so great, I remember coming here and the Bloody Mary was Superb, maybe it was just that day and Bartender,

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    Best wings in town!!  LOVE THE THERMONUCLEAR sauce...but be warned its not for the faint of heart :)  Topped off with ice-cream nachos, and this customer was one happy camper!

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    Very tasty meal. I really enjoyed their ribs, wife liked the breaded shrimp, son liked the wings, and daughter liked the kids sirloin. Very limited beer selection, but friendly people. Nice stay!

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    I'm from Florida it's 22F outside wth. Thankfully it's warm and comfortable at the bar. I order my go to drink of absolute with sprite and look through the menu then ask for a recommendation. I order a grilled chicken sandwich with potatoes and the bartender recommended some hot wings. Both excellent choices as the grilled chicken held its natural juices and was cooked throughout the same with not just the hot but flavorful wings. I would definitely stop in again in much warmer times. Great service friendly staff and an extra drink before I head out into freezing weather.

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    Have yet to see a friendly waitress in here, and the food is not that good (& often cold) - PASS this one.

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    Solid restaurant.  Great service.  I'd give the menu a B+, fair (not great) beer selection.  Chislic was pretty good, excellent BBQ sauce.  Excellent dessert options also.  Of all the downtown restaurants, I like their decor and appearance the best by far.  Good value and overall good experience.

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    BBQ BBQ BBQ Sauce wow, they should sell this stuff in stores. Anything at this place that they put bbq sauce on you cant go wrong. There pulled pork sandwich is the size of two burger buns. Its delicious I wish they were a chain that wandered over to the west coast. Nachos are pretty great too!

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    These guys have great service, and some of the best chislic in town.  When you ask for rare, you actually get rare!  They serve it with their homemade BBQ sauce, which is excellent.

    Their lamb chops were very good, too, and cooked med rare as I asked.

    The rest of their food is ok, and I am not at all a fan of their southwest offerings.  But for the service and chislic alone, they get 4 stars from me!

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    I had the thermonuclear wings here. I have been to places that say their food is hot only to be served mildly spicy food.When they delivered the food to our table I took a sniff and my lungs quit breathing.Holy cow these were hot.I gave this place an extra star for the truth in advertising otherwise it was just ok.

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