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    Small town gay bar with big attitude. This place is run by men and their target audience is clearly men. Ladies beware, they're not pandering to you. The boys are snobby, the drinks are lousy, and the only woman working there seems to hate all other women.

    The only saving grace for a queer lady looking to have fun here is their monthly drag king nights. The local kings put on the best drag king show I've ever seen. But good luck getting a drink from that cranky woman behind the bar. Extremely rude. Also they need to clean their dance floor mirrors. Nasty.

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    Seems the bar has undergone a little remodeling here and there over the years, could use a few more updates but over all it's good for Iowa City.  The bartenders are nice and mix decently strong drinks.

    The crowd could use a little nudge here and there, I get that it's a college town but there's no need for the attitude, it is just Iowa City not Chicago, NYC or some large city where you'd expect that.

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    First of all, the place itself is hard to find - don't look for it ON Linn St -  it is in the alley behind Confluence.
    Secondly, the atmosphere and layout are fairly decent for a 'small-town-gay-bar', and the patrons seemed genuinely happy and were having a great time. Drinks are cheap and strong, (an ideal combination).
    Definitely an oasis in what seemed to me quite a closeted city, which was surprising for a college town.

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    It's unfathomable how one could seriously enjoy this place, especially if you're over 23. 1) It's so dark that you cannot see your hand in front of your face.   2) The music is so loud that even screaming is inaudible, and your ears will be ringing for hours after leaving.   3) $5 cover every night....IN IOWA CITY?????   4) A mostly-under-25 crowd oozing with attitude and having no idea how to conduct themselves in a bar setting (people don't say 'excuse me' here, they shove and elbow you out of the way)  5) Almost exclusively twinks and faux-wannabe-athletic-frat types and a handful of blootto-drunk over-40 guys pawing at the college boys    6) Often so crowded that you cannot move
    It's sad that a town that has such a large gay community can't open and sustain a gay bar that caters to people over 25. I never thought I'd say this, but The 620 (IC's gay bar from ???-'98) was a gay bar Mecca compared to the Studio.

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    This gay bar seems to not have the pretentiousness and attitudes that the gay bars in the big cities have which is refreshing and nice to experience. Alcoholic drinks are reasonably priced and everyone seems friendly. Anyone that might thinks this bar is pretentious should go to the gay bars in Denver! LOL! Fun music to dance to as well!

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    The drinks were stiff and the staff was nice.  I'm glad to see a few older guys hanging out in a college town.  It's a very young bar.  Nice mix of lesbian to gay boys as well.  I'll hit this up whenever I'm in town without a doubt.  

    I also dig the bar.  Very very cool.

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