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    You know that kind of day where you don't want to see anybody? , Or just your close friends to meet somewhere mellow? This is the bar! Cold beer, great tunes, easy prices, nothing more nothing less...simple and ya gotta Love Ma Ma!

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    Quality of Service: Excellent
    Drink of Choice: Blue Moon
    Environment: Loud, Dive Bar,

    Okay, so what makes this place so great? The Bartender.

    Most bars I've been too, its serve you, multi-task, and serve someone else.

    This bartender was super helpful, attentive and definitely engaged his customers, as well as introducing himself. I was with one of my guy friends and the bartender paid for us to play a round of pool.

    After a short period of time, some tipsy guy spilled half of my drink walking by. The bartender quickly picked up the mess, made another and comped my drink.

    Paid for a round of Pool, and comped out a drink.. Who does that? People with Hospitality. Your Awesome! :)
    Tip? Heck Yes, I will. That's real customer service.

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    The aroma of cigarettes and cheap beer saturate the air at this bar. I can appreciate a dive bar just as much as the next gal, but even so, this place has dived so far it's in the ground. Not only does it get cramped, but the people that you are cramped up next to are not the most pleasant human specimens I have come across. All tables had debris such as cocktail straws and bottle caps. "Enter at your own risk" seems like an appropriate disclaimer.

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