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    The BEST pizza in Yorkville...period...always PERFECT!  My fav

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    Great place for a few cheap beers, pizza, and to hang out.  One of the original and still the best hang out spot in Yorkville!

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    Younger crowd ages 21-23. Volleyball leagues in the summer are a must. Cheap beer, good pizza. Strange layout in the bar. If you are really drunk u will prolly fall down because they have huge steps and different levels in the bar.


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    Say what you want, but Suzy's deserves a solid five star in my book. Why? Read on my friends. When you drive to Suzy's, look around. What do you see? Not a whole lot right? Maybe a ton of farmland? Businesses scattered here and there throughout the city? Miles of beautiful grass? And then place like Suzy's pops up and gives the locals a fun haven for a night of beers, cocktails and games. So for that reason, I take the location and setting into account and give Suzy's five stars.

    Let's start first with the fact that Suzy's has a sand volleyball court. Amazing! I wish a dive bar in Phoenix would take Suzy's lead and build one here. Not only does this probably give Suzy's a lot of business, league play here for sand volleyball gives the town a great activity option. Now let's move on inside. Suzy's has every game imaginable: the norms like pool and shuffle board and then the retro fun like Super Mario Brothers and Pac Man! Again,I wish some Phoenix/Scottsdale dives would take some notes!

    Suzy's has cheap drinks, tons of games to keep the drinkers amused and not bored from conversation (or staring at each other when they are too drunk to talk) and also a volleyball league. Plus, the staff is incredibly friendly and there's a decent amount of room to walk around.

    Now I was just a visitor to Yorkville and I came into Yorkville anxiously awaiting my visit to Suzy's. After coming here for drinks, I decided that I would definitely visit again and I high five Suzy's for really making the most of this bar.

    PS - this is a dive bar, so of course bathrooms won't be sparkly clean and you won't be able to walk barefoot on the floors, but that's the best part about a dive bar and if you are sober enough to notice these things, you should go straight to the bar and get a shot immediately. This is a dive bar after all, everyone visits to have a good time and drink heavily.

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    Suzy's has great pizza. True, the bar is full of townies, but get it to go and you're fine.

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    Good place for cheap beer and run-of-the-mill pizza, but be prepared for sub-par clientele, specifically young girls in trashy outfits that act like fools and have no self respect.  Bathrooms are never clean, and generally, the bartenders are rude and act annoyed when you would like a drink.

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