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    No longer The Tavern, now called Danny's Tavern fun spot to shoot pool with my parents, drink some berr, and listen to good covers LIVE!

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    I honestly cannot recommend this place at all.  I have been there twice now, both times to see live music, and have been disappointed with each visit.  The first time, a friend was adventurous enough to actually order food there.  What she got was fried mushrooms that were still cold in the middle.  The service is sub-par and delivered with what can only be described as apathy.  

    The second time I visited, the same service was given and the server acted as though she could care less about our order, her tip, or even just being there.  We had a group of about 20 with us and some of them had to leave because the sound man behind us kept telling everyone they had to sit down so he could see the band...Really?  I have never been to a bar where they insisted on patrons sitting and not being able to stand and mingle with the friends that are paying to be there.  

    The entire attitude of the bar is one that is not desirable for myself or many of my friends.  I cannot, in good faith, recommend a bar that treats its customers that way.  I will not be back and will warn all others that ask.

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