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    I agree with the last post. What a waste of money! I hade to wait for a long time for my food and the people who work there where did they find them. I don't think it was baby food but I called in ahead of time and had to still wait.
    I agree that the rice is either Uncle Bends or worse.  We got mac and cheese too and  I am not sure they are using cheese. We waited over an hour after calling in for fish and chicken when we got there we had to wait a long time when we got home the food was cold the not worth the money we spent.
    We have tried to give this place a few chances but done with it.
    There are better places for Jerk to waste money on this place again.

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    This was the most disgusting food ever. I can only recommend this place if you are just out of the hospital and the doctor told u to eat only bland foods or as a substitution for baby food. We call a hour before hand & still had to wait 30 mins for this garbage. I had the oxtails (3 chewy bones), red beans & rice (uncle Ben did much better), mac-n-cheese (no cheese, over cooked pasta) & yams. It's terrible when u must mix the yams with everything to get any flavor. My boyfriend had bbq rib tips - wait I mean jerk rib tips (no jerk seasoning anywhere). For the $25+ dollars spent; angry is an understatement.

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    This Man can cook all you want and more .just tell him what you want and he will make it

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