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    No stars from me..on NYE i ordered the thighs n drumstick special. The chicken had no seasoning some of it was dry and burnt!! I would never ever go here again.. I like the previous owners bc the food was worth buying! Then on top of that for a side of lemon pepper they charged a dam dollar and the container was small. For a dollar I could just go and buy the whole bottle at Family Dollar...this was such a waste of money!!

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    This is for their location at 2800 West Marquette . I really don't want to give any stars but you know the drill. I'm sorry I couldn't find it here but I had to stop everything I was doing to write this review. Don't do it to yourself. I just wasted $15.00 and 30 minutes that I can never get back on a foam carton full of tasteless food. Hell I could have just had the carton instead. Chicken and perch and a taco. All of it gross. I'm very unhappy right now. This was my first and last time going here. I guess the smells wafting with me along my walk weren't  coming from this place.  That's what I get for being lazy.  Never again

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    Maybe their food is good but I didn't have a chance to try it.. They left their advertising in my door with different specials. I picked one and called to order it. They said they didn't have a special like this. I said they advertise it in their flyer. They asked if I'm sure I'm calling the right place. Off course I am, the number is on the freakin' flyer. They didn't even try to propose something else. They just said, they didn't have a special like that and that's it. Well good luck with your business, because you just lost a customer....

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