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    No stars from me..on NYE i ordered the thighs n drumstick special. The chicken had no seasoning some of it was dry and burnt!! I would never ever go here again.. I like the previous owners bc the food was worth buying! Then on top of that for a side of lemon pepper they charged a dam dollar and the container was small. For a dollar I could just go and buy the whole bottle at Family Dollar...this was such a waste of money!!

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    This is for their location at 2800 West Marquette . I really don't want to give any stars but you know the drill. I'm sorry I couldn't find it here but I had to stop everything I was doing to write this review. Don't do it to yourself. I just wasted $15.00 and 30 minutes that I can never get back on a foam carton full of tasteless food. Hell I could have just had the carton instead. Chicken and perch and a taco. All of it gross. I'm very unhappy right now. This was my first and last time going here. I guess the smells wafting with me along my walk weren't  coming from this place.  That's what I get for being lazy.  Never again

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    Maybe their food is good but I didn't have a chance to try it.. They left their advertising in my door with different specials. I picked one and called to order it. They said they didn't have a special like this. I said they advertise it in their flyer. They asked if I'm sure I'm calling the right place. Off course I am, the number is on the freakin' flyer. They didn't even try to propose something else. They just said, they didn't have a special like that and that's it. Well good luck with your business, because you just lost a customer....

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    The fried perch fish fillets I got from here was unforgetable, At the advice of a friend and when I sampled their items at my friends baby shower I ordered a party pan of fish for my mother's bday party. I must say I was impressed with their service and the food. If you need 50-100 pcs of fish like I did for a party you can give them less then 30 mins notice and they will have it hot and fresh for you. The young lady I spoke with on the phone was polite and very accomodating I told them what I wanted and what time to expect pick up and they gave me a ticket number for my order and the prices are reasonable . In my case I sent my uncle with the money to pick up my order and he was late they had a pan made but the pan got cold and their policy is that your order is made to order and must be hot when you pick it up and their fried crispy perch fish was so good I would have had no problem eating it cold but I appreciate this gesture, check them out they fish is delish and I'm going to try their other foods too!!!

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