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    The World According to Noelle
    Allergic Girl's Guide to Life




    Yummie for our tummies. I've never been to White Castle. I first learned about White Castle from watching the first Harold and Kumar movies. After a long day at the Museum of Science and Industry with my in-laws and our way back to the Chicago Hilton my Hubs took me here for a lil snack. It was too cold to get out from our car. The snow was coming down like crazy.

    We ordered:
    Cheeseburger Sliders- good not great.
    Chicken Sliders- just delish!
    Onion Rings- fried to perfection!
    A soda- sweet :)

    White Castle is a greasy fast food place. Being a California Girl there are times for your organic, farm to the table Whole Foods purchases and there are other times when you're looking for a greasy spoon fast food joint. White Castle = Greasy Spoon!

    Noelle's Notes
    Not bad fast food.

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    Two stars for me, but only for that ad campaign that had the chutzpa to actually try to make "steam-grilled" hamburgers sound appetizing.

    Grades of meat is nothing to be scared of BTW. It's based on the age of the animal (older ='s more marbling/less tender), not whether it was a mutant or raised next to a Toxic Waste dump or something. I'm not sure you'd even notice if they ground and "steam grilled" (tm) the good stuff.

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    After learning that they use Grade D meat, it's been a big turn off going here - every now and then, I'll get these cravings but once I eat their sliders, I remember why I swore off of them.  You can finish off a slider in a big bite or two and it's mostly carbs and bread.  Their onion rings are mediocre and make the trip worth it.

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