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    Worst buffett I have ever been to in my entire life!!!!! Seriously!!!

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    I just came across this as i was looking for buffetts. You know the addage, you cant judge a book by its cover? Well this place is real purty, BUT IT SUCKS BALLS!!!!! They have a 1/4 million dollars in marble accents and a spectacular vestibule and koi pond. GREAT looking!!! But the ffod is almost the worst food I ever had. I forget till I look at their buffett after i have paid, and usually fill myself on garlic bread and diet pepsi.  The got good "chinese sausage" which us Americans refer to as skin on breakfast sausage. I have made sandwiches with the garlic bread and those sausages.  Here I am hyping garlic bread and breakfast sausage at a chinese buffett, whats that tell you???

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    I've been to this place once and I did not like it. They have a very limited selection of food and the quality is mediocre at best.

    The food is not kept at an adequate temperature. I was so in fear of getting sick but luckily I didn't. Perhaps because I couldn't really find anything appealing.

    Their vegetables and fruits are mostly canned. I saw one of the employees bringing out a jumbo size can of peaches and dumping it in a platter. I thought, isn't he supposed to take the empty, dirty dish to the back and bring back a clean, full dish?

    The place is dirty. The glass that covers the buffet stands are full of grease, the floors are sticky and/or covered with crumbs, and the soda fountain is dripping with all the spilled pop.

    I'm never going back!

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